A Lot on My Mind Tonight!

I am moody again. Must be time for the hormones to go out of whack! LOL Right now I have a lot on my mind tonight. I just found out today that one of my former instructors has a lump on her breast and she having tests done to see if it cancerous or benign. The thought of the lump on her breast triggered memories of my friend Christine’s cancer that matasticised (sp?) to her bone two years later. Yikes! Even though this is happening right now in my mind I do have to admit that I had a good day. In keyboarding I typed 49 WPM with 0 errors which made my afternoon very bright. The cold weather did not seem so cold after all. By the way, the way I type at home is different from class. My keyboarding instructor does not allow us to see our keyboards while we type. I am getting used to the idea of having my right hand confined in a little box and I am trying to use the correct fingers on the correct keys even though I only type with all five fingers of my left hand and my poiner finger on the right. Getting to 49 WPM without errors is a big deal for me. I am doing good in keyboarding!

It is not unually quiet tonight but it surely making me go crazy/ I do know that it is time for my hormones to go out of whack. What a life I am living this day, LOL I guess tonight is not a reral good night to talk. Maybe later.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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