12:56 AM

I thought I was going to be able to get right to sleep after CSE left around 10 pm but I have not really been able to sleep yet … not totally sure why but have an inkling that is so because I have a job now and both employers are waiting for July 15th when the building where the business I will be working for is available to everyone. I also have another inkling as to why I cannot sleep at is what and how CSE acted a couple of minutes before she left. She left because her laptop was acting up on her and she lost 3 pages of work she was working on and then her computer started acting up. I do have to admit that I held my tongue but did not want to scream out at her and tell her to stop using her damn computer if it acts up so much and have some computer professional look at it and stop her complaining, beating up on her laptop and mouse every time it does screw up on her, I have never had any problems with my laptops or computers for as long as i have had them. I still have my IMAC desktop but rarely use it now-a-days and use my laptops – Macbook and Windows 7 Emachine all the time. I still believe that CSE should not have a computer but because she is an adult, I can not stop her from having what she wants. I can stop her from having certain behaviors in my home if it causes a negative effect on me, I remember being told by KM a couple of months ago that I have no right telling anyone to stop something as long as they are beating on their own property in my home but I have been told by my counselor and MM that if it is causing a negative effect on and in me personally causing anxiety for me. I will not have anything to do with KM anymore when it comes to advice. i do not think, seriously, KM is right in the head anymore and ever since she had left for 7 months and came back in January. Not venting.

More later…

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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