My Thought On Wednesday and Reading

It seems that the middle of the week everyone now calls “Hump Day” has become a part humps.  As a child, at the fair or the zoo, I rode a camel and an elephant a time or two because it was fun.  That memory pops up every now and again.  The commercials that were on Wednesdays more frequently made me laugh and they still do when I run into a few videos online.  I believe I have become a “Hump Day” gal myself, LOL.  It is indeed the middle of the week.  Two days closer to Friday and the weekend, and the Sabbath, and I am looking forward to the Sabbath and going to church.  I am getting my Sabbath School material read and done for the day.  Now I have to get my act together and remember to my devotionals at Bible daily online as well as read my daily devotionals at Our Daily Bread.

As for my day, I cannot really complain.  I have had my personal cares and time with DKF through the IRIS program this morning, and I am now spending time writing in my diary for the day as well as relaxing while watching TV and reading.  I am almost done reading another book and by the end of the week, I will be choosing another book.  I will be reading the fourth book of the Lords of the Avalon Series by K.R. Richards.  I have already read Lords of the Abbey, Lords of Honor, and Lords of Retribution.  Now, I am going to be reading Lords of Atonement.  I do have to admit that I am not one for sexual descriptions or romantic book reading, but this series tells a story about men who belong to a society that is called the Avalon Society who are helping a woman throughout the series to protect the treasures and family heritage, and the men in the society fall in love with women along the way, and the Avalon Society gets bigger while they fight men of another society who are called Brown Coats.  The series is a very good and I would recommend the reading(s) to others who are interested in a little bit of history, descriptive romance, and the 1500 – 1800 era.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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