Here I Am Again

Compared to living at Burbank Plaza, living at Garden Court is genuinely lovely and quiet. The building is an odd shape compared to the typical square or rectangle. My apartment faces the street and the Rock River, where the sun shines in the living room and bedroom window each afternoon when it is not overcast. I love it here. I do not hear other tenants walking in the hall, and the door is always locked. If tenants are coming and going downstairs, I can hear voices in the lobby and if a tenant has a dog that occasionally barks. I found peace at Garden Court, whereas I could hear the neighbor above me while living at Burbank Plaza. The walls are thin at Burbank Plaza. I do not deny that Burbank Plaza was my home, and I loved living there at the time, but I have lost the home feeling a year ago, and glad I live in Garden Court today. I love my place—home. Even Magic Kitty loves the home/apartment. He does not want to run out into the hallway, whereas he loved running into the hallway at Burbank Plaza.

How often do I need to mention I love my new place—home? I keep writing about how happy I am. I do not dread coming and going from my apartment. Burbank Plaza became a place of dread because tenants got into the business of others. I had enough. Remembering the six months having to deal with the neighbor above me making noise from morning throughout the day and late into the night past m, until she ended up getting evicted  After this incident, I  began to feel uncomfortable with other tenants was once friendly to. The evicted tenant left with tenants still nice to her, so I was the person/tenant who got their neighbor evicted. This was when I began to feel that I was not liked or appreciated. I started to stay in my apartment and kept to myself until I moved to Garden Court, leaving the past of most of the tenants and management behind. I love it here at Garden Court.

Why am I mentioning living at Garden Court again? It is my home. Today, having a bath, getting dressed for the day, having breakfast, and watching Murder, She Wrote on HMM, I am now watching Monk on Peacock TV. I enjoy my afternoon with only Magic and me home enjoying our space. The cleaning crew has cleaned the building and vacuumed all seven floors and the lobby. This apartment complex reminds me of a hotel the way the lobby is set up. The lobby even has a piano, but with the covid pandemic, the lobby and community room are closed to tenants. I do not mind because I do not go traipsing about the building visiting. I will sit by the maintenance office and wait for my ride when I go to dialysis. I will say hello to the janitors/caretakers when the door is open, and occasionally, we will strike up a conversation. Two men work on the property five days a week, ensuring everything is in working order and fixed when necessary. When I see the caretaker D in the morning, I am heading to dialysis, and I rarely see the afternoon caretaker L, but I have seen him occasionally.

I will write more later. I am heading off for a while.

I will write more later. I am heading off for a while. 

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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