Let’s Start This Month Out With a Journal Entry…

Today is the first day of march and we are expecting to have a snowstorm warning! YUCK! It will be Spring soon and we have had a “very” mild winter all season long and now we are expected to have a lot of snow. In a way, to be honest with you, it is about time that we have a lot of snow since we didn’t have that much this winter. How many inches of snow will we have here? I am listening to the news right now to find out. I’ve heard that we will have 4 to 6 inches, over ten inches, and over six inches. Which way will we go? We won;t until it hits us I guess. Just listening to the news tonight makes me sick hearing about someone who is wanted by the police and a young girl was attacked and killed by dogs. That is very very sad. It does pay to listen to the news at times, though. Seventeen ages are dead. Yikes!

it is a little after five now and I need to run for now. If I find time to write, I will be back tomorrow.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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