My Day -a Lazy One!

All this past week, up to yesterday even, I was tired at 7 a.m. and wanted to go back to be, but I pushed it anyway. I felt that I did not have one of the best weeks but still did what I needed to do despite how I felt throughout the entire week. I belive that mentally I did not have the best week. Everything was coming into focus so terribly slow that it was kind of embarrassing to me. Yesterday, being Saturday and a day of fellowship with other church memberss, the Bible study I was at even seemed to be slow and all the voices seemed so far away like whispers. Today I had awakened at 7 a.m. this morning ready to get up and going even though the sky did not have any sun yet, and at 10:15 a.m. the sun is not shining at all. How pasty everything seems!

I am in my pajamas sttill, at the hour of 10 a.m. in hopes to have a shower in sometime today, lOL. I am debating on the time (an issue I deal with often on the weekends) to when I take a shower. I think I am procrastinating. LOL A lazy day indeed!

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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