The End of My Day

My day was very good and definitely long. I spent endless hours on the internet playing Noah Ark – a Pop Cap game yahoo has in its game section of the webpage. I spent six hours playing 153 rounds of the game. It never really quit until its 153rd round. I had fun. The score was gigantic that I forgot what it was since I did not write in down before shutting the game down for the night. Now my night is closing soon and I have one more school day left – YEAH! I have to get up at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow morning to get ready for school. I took my shower tonight while The Division was airing so I could watc Strong Medicine at 9 p.m.. I am kind of hungry now too so I am going to eat the last piece of pizza I have in the fridge now. Good night everyone. Sleep well and God bless.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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2 Responses to The End of My Day

  1. *~Kristie~*

    Sounds like the weather is definitly nice! The weather has been spectacular out here! Its wonderful! Its been in the 80’s all weekend!

    Pizza, yuck…I’ve had my share of pizza for the week, LoL.


  2. sezrah says:

    hi ksmiley 🙂

    thanks for your note, how does it feel to finally be in holidays? going away anywhere special or going to stay home and take it easy?

    i hope this week is a good one for you


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