Saturday, April 19, 2008

Got up at 8 a.m. this morning when my alarm went off. Did go down for a cup of hot chocolate while others had coffee. Even the donuts tasted good. Tied me over until I had lunch later in the afternoon. I have been dealing with joint pain since Wednesday evening and it does seem to lessen a bit now, this evening, but it is still nagging at me and I hate it. It is uncomfortable. I am also a woman this week and this is the time I hate being a woman, and it is not funny. I hate getting my monthlies even though I get them on time regularly each month. The joint pain I am dealing with this weekend is the worst of it though. I am glad I get my monthlies on time, too. That is a plus in my behalf of being a woman – a true woman, lol.

Took a nap from 4 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.. Had fallen asleep while it was still light out and awakened while it was dark out with my light next to my bed on. Could not distinguish what time it really was for a few seconds because my eyes had to adjust to the newly darkened night from their daytime use. Must have been tired and wanting my sleep. Did I catch up on lost sleep? Possibly but not sure at the moment. I am okay though. Have to go back to bed shortly so I can get up at 8 a.m. so when my ride picks me up by 9 a.m., I am not rushing to get going and my ride and I are late getting going here. I am going to be gone until 4 o’clock or so but hopefully will be back by 4 o’clock. We shall see. Looking forward to being with some friends.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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2 Responses to Saturday, April 19, 2008

  1. That sounds like a good nap. Hope you sleep well tonight and have a great day tomorrow. Hugs, Richard

  2. I’m glad Bing is back to normal, I hope you feel better now, and I’m going to have a hot chocolate myself right now 🙂



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