A Quickie

I thought. before retiring for the night, which brings another night of sleeplessness to some point, that I would like to say that I know that this week has been a difficult week for me and I have done a lot of bitching and complaining but this week has definitely been a rough, not so pleasant week for me, and I do not know what to say except what is running in my head over and over again. What happened this week has reminded me of who I can trust and who I cannot trust, and my wants to disassociate with some people has definitely become something that really tugs at my ol’ heartstrings. I do not know who to trust anymore when it comes to venting or talking to someone so I am learning quickly that it is best to keep my mouth shut. Even though I keep my mouth shut, no one can shut off my brain and what it inputs and outputs, and what my intentions are in some respect. In this past week, as hard as it may seem right now, I have learned that my trust in a couple of people has been, what I would say, misplaced, according to my mind that has been dealing with anxiety and depression. What happened this week was not a pleasant experience for me, and believe me, my heart aches at the thought of walking away from more people who I once trusted. Now, unfortunately, I can only trust a certain two people in my life right now that live here in the building I do. I am lost and hurt. and definitely confused. On May 15 I will be walking down a new road of my life in this emotional world I live. I may say that my apartment does not feel like a home to me today and I want to move, but my thoughts can change again a few days, but I have a feeling it is going to take a little longer this time around. I will see what June will bring first.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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1 Response to A Quickie

  1. The good thing about DD is that you can vent your feelings. Do you pray much? That brings comfort to some people.

    I pray you will have a better week. I am thankful you have Bing, he’s a good friend for you 🙂

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