Morning I

Entry I

I love my M, W, F, and Sat evenings because I have no bedtime. On T, Th, and Sun evenings, I want to be settled by 8 p.m. and rested for my M, W, and F. dialysis appointments until September 13, 2023; I have physical therapy at Mercy Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center before my dialysis treatment. Therapy is from 10 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., then I have dialysis from 11:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

When I have appointments, I get dressed, use the bathroom, eat breakfast, and get in my power chair to go downstairs to wait for my medical ride to pick me up. On lovely days, I be-bop to and from home to my medical appointments in my power chair. My power chair gives me a sense of independence when I can drive to and from places. I live only five minutes away in a driven vehicle and my power chair and route home; it takes me fifteen to twenty minutes to get home from 1000 Mineral Pt Ave to 208 N Main St in Janesville, Wisconsin. That is one good reason for living in downtown Janesville these days. That is why I love living at Garden Court and call it home.

Even though I still love Garden Court and call it home, I wouldn’t say I like sitting in the lobby for a long time listening to conversations with a group of tenants who also live here. I understand that tenants sometimes mean well, but it is still gossip. Rumors fly around as well, too. I do not appreciate being a part of gossip or a topic of story. When I first moved into Burbank Plaza, I was the subject among tenants, and some of it came back to me that was very hurtful and mean.

OK, either I am losing it, or I do not remember what I have done to my diary entries I wrote yesterday has come into my mind this morning. Now Entry IV is missing from my My Diary 2023 document! Oh well. I considered it cut and pasted into the diary at Otherwise, confusion will hit hard. Also, I have noticed how long it takes me to use Grammarly’s advice in sentence structure, and the grammar checks it takes to correct it satisfy me. Ugh! I know my diary will not be perfect because I am imperfect, but I want my journal to sound cent enough because I enjoy proofreading papers and writing—another ‘oh well’ attitude. I will be fine.

Today’s Sunday is JP’s Day to work. When she works on Sundays, I wash my bath and hair for the week, ensure I have used the bathroom, and get comfortable in bed all day and night. I do not like being in bed all day, but there is nothing I can do when Sunday is one day out of the week; I have a caregiver come once a day before noon. I do need a day to myself, but I need help getting ready for my day.

OK, I need to think things through really well at times. This morning, between 12 midnight and 8 a.m. I want JP here and no one else. No DH or JM is coming at all. I want to get into a routine with JP here only, even if she has to return in the late afternoon to help me get into bed for the night. I do not know if it will work. JP can work her appointments and needs around my schedule. I want to settle into a routine and keep the momentum of the routine going with no changes whatsoever. Is it even possible? I do not know what to do. Oh, my goodness! My body cannot handle it right now. I do not know. I want JP!

Well, I will be back later. I hope everyone has a good Sunday. Goodbye for now at 8:10 a.m.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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