Day 4–Still Feeling the Blahs, The Truth Is…, Journaling or Writing in a Diary, and 8:35 PM

Still Feeling the Blahs

I am still unhappy somewhat. I am not sulking, but still a bit moody. If things do not go right, which I feel haven’t today, either. This week, going to be Friday tomorrow, April 5th and my dad’s 82nd birthday, I am still dealing with emotional ups and downs — mainly downs all week. I just cannot get back in my cheerful ol’ self. It has been a rough week for me I guess.

Truth Is…

One friend has misplaced their trust and I have to, yet, find the darn words to tell her how I feel. I can’t express my feelings verbally like other people can because once I start talking the damn words come out wrong, and I get more frustrated and loud, and misunderstood. The only way I can express my feelings is in writing. With these words going across my computer screen online at DD.

Journaling or Writing in a Diary

My first diary was a birthday gift from my stepfather’s sister on my 12th birthday as she said every teenager now-a-days has a diary. I was considered a pre-teen and girls my age start writing in a diary. Well… okay, I think I can do this.

Anyway, that diary is gone. The pages turned yellow, and the penned entries faded to the point they were hard to read and I used it for entries years later in my 30’s and could write over the faded entries without destroying the yellowed pages. I was surprised, even though the pages smelled musty and old, they did not disintegrate in my fingers practically twenty years later. Even the rusty keys still worked in the lock but by the time I was in my 30’s, I just threw the keys away and never locked 🔐 the diary again and said goodbye to it with no sadness. I can get notebooks or other diaries from the store anytime.

 Now, today, my diary is online at Dear Diary. How the times move on to electronic devices these days. I have had my first cell phone in 2000 — a Nokia 360 with the phone company Cingular I believe. It was not US Cellular for sure. Since then, I forgot the phone company name because the phone companies changed a few times from 1990 to the present and I remember Ameritech, and AT&T, 

8:30 PM

Stopped reading and turned off the light. Good night, peeps.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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