The Way Things Are Going Right Now…

The way things are going right now, I am so glad that my grandma is not physically here now and the fact that my grandfather is in a nursing home with alzhiemer’s disease makes it so much easier to cope with the problems that are faced daily. It does soound horrible I know, but both grandparents have seen their share of wars, crimes, problems, and disasters while they were young and lively. I don’t think my grandparents, truly, thought that they would even see their grandchildren go through a wartime period, but they were wrong to some degree. Yes, my grandma is no longer with us, and my grandpa is in a nursing home with a memory issue to deal with daily. No – they are not going to remember this wartime we are having right now. The way things are going on right now I am glad that my grandparents, on both sides of the family, are unable to really know anything. My dad’s parents died in 1974 and 1985 and so they have been gone for a very long time both of them. Sometimes things are better left alone and kept quiet I guess.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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