I Got Busy

As I sit here at a computer at school taking a break from all the classes and homework I had to do, I just realized that I did not write in my journal yesterday or last night. From 2:30 p – 5:30 p I took a break away from my home/apartment and went bowling but before that I slept in until 9 a,m. and then watched a television program then studied until I had to go bowling. Once I got home, forgetting that it was Tuesday – NOT MONDAY! – I studied from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. then went to bed knowing what I had to do for homework already for next week. Due to Martin Luther King Day next Monday, I am not going to be here for classes since the BTC campus is closed fpr the day due to the holiday. Even thoug the day for school has been put as a holiday, I will be doing my studies at home on Monday and Wednesday’s homework. For one of my classes, Economics, I have my homework assignment done for the due date and I am pretty excited about having that behind me until the next assignment. Economics is FUN…believe it or not! As for my Business Law, I love that class too, but it is a little more difficult that I expected but it is going to be manageable for me. I won’t let this class. as difficult as it may seem from a Monday or Wednesday – any given week I go to school, bother me and drag me down. I have had my head held high with accomplishment after accomplishment and i feel that I have accomplished a lot this week studying hard at home.

As far as studying at home is concerned, I do have a lot of temptations there – a computer, a television, reading a book for fun and not for class, and the telephone…and so far I am holding to my study habits, which I did not have before until now and everything seems to show a busy life for me. Oddly enough I have study skills I did not use when I was in high school. Amazing, huh?

I need to run for now as I am away at a computer at school and I am expecting my ride to arrive shortly and tell me he is ready to head out – another student here at BTC who happens to live in ithe same building I live in. So off I go for the day. Please excuse the empty journal entry for 1/15.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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