Boredom has set in!

Oh no! I am fairly bored. I am done surfing the net now…nothing else to do. I had a great afternoon and now that I am home, I am getting bored to death here! YIKES! Oh well, tomorrow is not going to be boring at all! i have to go to school, YEAH! Thursday I have lunch and dinner out. I will not be going to school as I planned because of the luncheon at 11:30 a.m. with my friend J & G at Perkins. Boredom has set in! What am I going to do? I am through surfing the internet that my computer is soon to be shut off for the night. I hope I never develop anxiety with boredom tonight! I am getting tired now, thankfully. I have to run now. I have something I can do…listen to music later and definitely get ready for bed now. It is getting late now and darkness is setting in the sky now. Good night! Sorry about the rambling and the boring entry at this time. I have most of my homework done now that I can finish up the project at school before I go to my morning class. I hope everyone has a good night and I will be back tomorrow sometime in the morning when I get to school and settled for the day.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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2 Responses to Boredom has set in!

  1. Melange says:

    Sounds like your appointments went well and for that I am very happy. Your whole day seems to have been really nice and that’s great as you deserve it.

  2. Serenity says:

    wow, what a beautiful diary. I had to give my kudos, I really like your setup.

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