What Would be More Offensive? Pt 2

Well, the situation was explained to me today because I did ask the person who talked to me about the bad body odor “thing”. I told her that I find it more offensive to have someone go to someone else for that someone else to talk to me about the situation at hand, which is bad body odor. The person found it understandable that I did feel offended towards the very person who talked to her about it than that person coming directly to me to discuss something as personal as bad body odor. Did I say that right? Well, this one person did not know how I would have reacted to the comment and to the discussion and the person who did talk to me about it said it was her job where people do not feel comfortable about talking about something as personal as body odor or anything very personal. The person, who talked to me about the situation, did understand my feelings of being offended but I do now understand why that one person did not come directly to me. It is now over and done with and I am working on making sure the problem is not any longer noticeable. I did, LOL, put on enough deodorant this morning, for what I have noticed and I am, before putting on any shirts or sweaters, making sure there is odor or no odor there because I know that once body odor gets into your shirts or sweaters, the odor stays put no matter how many times you wash your clothes.

I do have to admit that when I was a teenager and odor became a part of my life, I had troubles with it that could not be understood until I was in my junior year and my kidneys had totally failed and I needed a kidney transplant. I know that my transplanted kidney is doing fine/well and so the bad body odor I have now and then is because of forgetfulness or NOT putting on enough deodorant in the morning. Showers is not a problem with me whatsoever. I am not that type of person to go anywhere unclean. Feeling unclean really makes me feel really unclean, LOL…did that make any sense. I have to wash my hair every other day and when the weather is hot or muggy, showers are twice a day anyway.

I think I have said enough about bad body odor, showers, and cleanliness. Done away with it!

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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2 Responses to What Would be More Offensive? Pt 2

  1. sezrah says:

    thats a mean thing for somebody to do :-/

  2. *~Kristie~*

    Jeez what people!! I’m very picky about my cleanliness sometimes. I am very particular about my hair, I love my hair and HATE damaging it. I WAS thinking about making it more golden colors to give it more sheen and shine, but I dont know.

    Anyway hope everything works out : )


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