My Day Is Over…YEAH

I have had a good day – don’t get me wrong. My neighbor friend is gone this weekend so she has asked me to look in on her cat Oreo while she is away. So every morning and night I have been going to my friend’s apartment and spending a few minutes with Oreo. Oreo is such a sweet cat and my Emilee, a cat as well, is just becoming a sweet cat as well. Now my day is over and I am ready for Sunday to roll around so I can get back to my school studies. I wanted to get to my studies after sundown tonight but I said to myself it can wait until tomorrow when I get up in the morning after I check on Oreo. I will not procrastinatet any longer after 10 a.m. anyway. So my day is done even though it is only 9 p.m.. My bed is read and Emilee is napping on the back on the recliner and I am BEGINNING to feel a yawn come on, LOL “YAWN” I just got done watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and now I am listening to a program on Court TV called The System. Not a whole lot is going on right now really. It is dark outside and the sun set two hours ago now and I am getting tired. Last night, trully, I had been restless most of the night and woke up several times moving and thrashing about in bed. I had awakened this morning with a feeling of dopeyness which I have not felt in such a long time. Monday will come soon enough, YEAH! Good night.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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