Catching Up!

I Have Been a Stranger!

Sorry about being a stranger this week, but Wednesday was my last day of school for the semester and this week, from M – W was very busy that I did not even find time to get an entry in until now. I do feel bad that I did not get anything in until now because writing is ONE of my favorite things to do. Anyway now school is over for the semester and the pressure of gettiing homework done is gone but now I am holding my breath as far as finding out what my grades are for the four classes I took this semester. I do kn0w I have earned an A in College Reading and that is the ONLY grade I have knowledge of at this time. So I have been a stranger this week even though I have talked to Beth, who also has a diary here at DD, often. In fact she helped me understand factoring and the quadratic formula in algebra. She is a cool person.

What To Do Now!

Now that I have three weeks off of school for semester break what am I going to do? I do know that next week is going to be busy as I will be visiting with relatives next week and I am looking forward to one week being filled with something to do. Already I have been sleeping in late and getting up about 8:30 – 9 a.m. each morning and still feeling tired, LOL. I am still dealing with an UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) but now I am taking the proper medication for it so it is FINALLY clearing up and looking normal. So I will be done taking an antibiotic for that as of December 25 and then I will have another urine specimen done to see if I stil have an infection and organism in my urine that might still need to be treated. Before I was taking the proper medication, I was on an antibiotic called Batrim = cotrim, I feeling pretty awful and the infection was not clearing up whatsoever. YUCK! Anyway, I am already feeling the boredom set in and it is driving me nuts. I can now be on online or on my computer writing letters at all hours of the day, night, and morning. Thank goodness for Sabbaths, though. I have six days to do what I want or need to and then on Sabbath (sundown Friday to sundown on Saturday) I looked forward to studying the BIble, reading, going to church, being with other Sabbath keeping friends, talking to others online, and spending time with my cat, Emilee who has been a very good cat for a very long time. So I guess I will be okay.


I can not believe on how good Emilee has been behaving lately. She has been so good to people who come and visit here. She really likes our neighboor Janet who lives three doors down from my place on the same side of the hallway. Emilee has not been very friendly in the past but lately she has been so good and kind to other people. With Janet and Nana Lea she is so good – not even a huff or a hiss. She even likes my friend Mark. TOday, really, Mark came over for a minute or two and when I told Emilee that “Uncle” Mark was here, she just looked at me like so what, but when Mark appeared in the bedroom door to look at her, she got up, meowed and jumped off the bed and meowed more running to Mark for a pet and scratch. It was almost laughable because I have never seen this side of her for so long since it has been a while since “Uncle” Mark came by t0 see us. =) Anyway, that is the life of my dear ol’ Emilee today. I have a special DD for her but I have been busy that Emilee and I have not had the time to write in her journal lately. We have not had a chance to sit down and write what she wanted to say to all of the other diarists.

All Caught Up

I think now I am caught up and will return on Sunday sometime, if I have a chance. I will not be able to write in my journal at all next week because I will not be around much. So I think I will make every effort to write in my journal again on Sunday before Monday rolls around. I will be traveling.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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1 Response to Catching Up!

  1. paulette says:

    Well, thanks for checking in! Enjoy the break from your studies!

    paul 🙂

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