Another Venting Moment – Before Going to Bed

I am going to be VENTING again – after yesterday’s venting. Something came into my mind a few minutes ago that drove me wild and believe it or not, it has a lot to do with yesterday’s vent as well. I just can not go to bed with a burdened heart of feelings that will eat me inside and out. Ok, here it goes, and believe me, I am ventiing once again. I am furious and a little mean hearted right now and it really sticks and IT DRIVES ME BONKERS!

My neighbor, a fine woman she is, is a Jehovah’s Witness. I have not been studyong with her to convert from Seventh=day Adventism to Jehovah’s Witness. I strongly disagree with some of their beliefs that I have found unbiblical just recently. My mind is on yellow flag/red flag mode and it is driving me wild in heart, mind, and spirit – knowing that dear ol’ Satan, that mean spirit, is part of this venting issue. The other day, Sunday, I wish I did not go over there finding discussion about voting and the earthly government. There a lot of disagreement in my head what was heard and said by my neighbor and I really felt disgusted. Believe me, I do not discredit their beliefs in earthly activities and their religious beliefs, but when it comes to serious issues as the Government of the United States, voting, religion, and such, it is hard for my heart to fill the spaces of what I believe in. Jehovah’s Witnesses do not vote and that is fine with me, but what was talked about really annoyed me to the point that I hated the time I spent at the neighbors for some reason. I got pretty scared – that’s for sure! The visit was meaningless to me, and now I know why my surrogate mom told me to walk carefully with this neighbor.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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