Remember This?

Remember when I had written this entry?

I do not thuink I am going to go public with my thoughts for a while. It is going to stay to “friends only” for the time being. I was thinking about going public a few day ago but what happened yesterday, I decided totally against it. My diary entries will be for “friends only” or totally private. I will expain more in anothe entry shortly as I am about to eat dinner and I have A LOT to say today. I am sorry it took me all afternoon to even think of writing my thoughts here. It has been a trying couple of days.

Well, this past week has really given the opportunity to sit down and think seriously about what was written. I have not had a lot of time to do a lot 0f writing in my journal here because I have been busy with school and other activities. I take my schooling very seriously online. I have gotten to the point that my thoughts and feelings shared here would be not wise if made the public eye right now. I do have my DD friends and that is so important to me. This is the place where I can share my thoughts. I do not need to share my thoughts with everyone. It does not mean I am depressed or anything. It means that I am very reserved with my thoughts and will not always share the most private things. With an entry made to my DD friends, I can be more private and more comfortable when the time arises. I will elaborate more later. I have to run for now.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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