She Still Won’t Leave me ALONE!!

I do not know what to do now except stay inside my apartment away from people – hide away from my apartment and have no contact or little contact with people…She still won’t leave me alone!! The very girl who attacked me is still harassing me one way or another and one of the ways she is still harassing me is on the internet. I did write at one of my yahoo groups about the fact that I felt that her parents were not doing anything about her actions of attacking me and her harassment, and yes, I did write that I wish she would be removed from the premises. I was upset and angry and I am still upset and angry that she is still trying to contact me through being asked to be a member of the group I am moderator of but I have denied her approval, but she won’t stop. This girl needs help … major help. I do not want nothing to do with this girl anymore … no more friendship can be reconciled with this girl. I just wish she would stop harassing me and leave me alone. Do the cops need to be called to intervene with his continued behavior?? My father has already given me his opinion about my friendships with people being unstable and that I need to get away from the instability and live my life. How in the world am I supposed to live my life. be able to leave my apartment without fear, if this girl is still pursuing me. I am already feeling stalked and still being harassed. I just wish that the troubles I have dealt with would heal but they haven’t yet. Yes, I have been hurting and feeling like this since December 21, 2007 — an ending of the year 2007 the way I did not like to end. I am angry and what happened to me is not that easily forgettable, and right now, a Christian woman would say is not Christian-like, I can not forgive this person. I hate her with a passion even though several weeks ago I thought she was my best friend as well as a true friend. A friend does not beat up on another friend in my book so this friendship is a was a friendship and no more. Our friendship cannot be reconciled ever again. When she beat up on me this last time on December 21st, it was worse and harder than the last time she beat me up in 2006. I hate this girl with a passion, and I want nothing to do with this girl ever again. She will not leave me alone!!

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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2 Responses to She Still Won’t Leave me ALONE!!

  1. Pragmatist says:

    You need a restraining order, and I urge you to get one NOW! Then when she bothers you, you call the cops, tell them you have a restraining order and you want it enforced. You should not be imprisoned in your own home. And you should not live in fear.

    Get the restraining order.


  2. kaliko88 says:

    My thoughts exactly. Don’t waste time on this. It’s stalking plain and simple, and it’s only going to escalate if she’s left to continue without any kind of regulation. And email an administrator at the site you moderate your group at and get her site banned.


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