Winter Can Go Away Now

I have seen my share of winter — winter can go away now and become Spring even though I do have to admit that that the weather has not been that horrible the past couple of days. I am just getting tired of seeing white snow. Some of the piles, because of where the snow can only be piled up to, are taller than me! I do not remember having snow piles that tall in a long time. I even remember enjoying my time outdoors in the bitter cold sledding and playing with friends in the snow. I was shorter than and the snow was my cushion I tumbled, lol, but I am taller and ice is not my friend — it’s not anyone’s friend really. I have fallen on ice and bruised tail bones several times in the past several years that ice has become my enemy so to speak. I hate ice! I can not wait for a Spring thaw and see the piles of snow go down as they melt away. Sorry snowmen, I wish I could keep you but I can’t. That is one thing I still enjoy doing in the winter months. If I had a freezer big enough to hold three big snowballs that represented a snowman, I would save a snowman each year .. as silly as it sounds .. a past time of mine. My snowmen always had character — never the same each time, lol. I also do not like the winter months much anymore because getting around is difficult for me now that I am older, even though 37 years of age is not “old” but I have my problems with balance and walking on ice … an enemy of winter of mine, lol. I will tolerate winter though. Just NOT the continuous grey days of no sun I will not tolerate. It is depressing. This winter, unfortunately, has been one heck of a depressing winter for me as far as the amount of sun. Now, since a week ago Monday, we have had the sun shining, making the days brighter and here I am waking up with the sun shining and I am waking up before 12 noon…good ol’ sleep pattern is back but for how long is a question I have asked myself everyday ever since Monday as if I am anticipating another cloudy day of dreadful depression. I want out of depression…I wish it did not exist. It stinks pretty badly enough. Winter can go away now. Please? I am pleading now … seriously.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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