What’s Happening

Not much is happening right now as I am heading to bed here very shortly. While I was reading a couple of Christian articles to a friend while she was here, I was yawning up a storm, which indicates that I am and have been getting tired for the past couple or so hours. I was watching a couple of movies this afternoon and evening and ended up recording the last one because I had company for the last half hour of the movie and being able to record a movie is very nice when other plans occur. Tomorrow I have a fairly big day for myself in hopes that the bed in the living room will be out of here for good after lunch. I have the bed pretty much cleared out and ready to go. Just a couple of last minute things have to be done and this bed is out of here. I no longer sleep in the living room and if I end up taking any naps, I will go to my bedroom or nap in my recliner while cuddling with my amazing cat. Speaking of cat, he is telling me that it is bed time and it is to be our time so I better get going here shortly. Patience for him is pretty much nothing at times, lol.

Ever since Friday I did not write anything. My appointment went well on Friday and Tuesday I have another appointment at the same place but with a different person. Boy do I have a lot of notes for my next appointment to go over and that is kind of scary. But I will be just fine … believe it or not.

Gotta go. TTYL

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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