
Lost My Dear Diary File!!

I just do not know how I had done it but I had lost my first Dear Diary Journal file this morning when it would NOT load up to be used … deleting it to start ALL over again. I am not mad, exactly, but disappointed in my mind, knowing that there is only four days left before December is gone for another year and 2011 will be upon us before we know it. I am, even though I do not believe in resolutions and never make promises anymore, starting fresh at Dear Diary in the new year anyway, So, I am not mad or upset … files can be recovered or I can just start over with another file … like I am doing right now. I will be deleting the Dear Diary Journal file in a few days anyway and starting frart of the day esh on Saturday, January 1, 2011 when the day comes.

The Rest of My Day

I am still not feeling the greatest this evening. I am waiting patiently for KH to call to let me know what time she will be here in the morning to give my shower and then I will see if I am her only client … to see if she will help me with laundry and dishes tomorrow since I could not have LB here this morning as planned. I have done some napping and on the computer very little today since I am not feeling very good at the moment. I am feeling a little better though … at least … whew! I will ask KH tonight when she calls if she can stay and help a bit. I have a slight temp because of a dratted cold virus and yes. It is yucky today.

Days of Our Lives Soap Opera

Okay…I have to blame my best friend JSL for getting me hooked on Days of Our Lives soap opera so I have been watching Days for part of the day resting up so I can get better. The show is getting real good these days. I know, today, I am catching up on the soap from last week to this week yet but it is very very good indeed. There does not go a day that I feel my life is a soap opera because there is love, hate, deceit, lies, and other things going on in my own family. The trust with my PA family comes to mind a lot when I watch Days on television everyday of my life. It is very very sad but true in my way of thinking. As 2011 comes into play, I will have no boundaries when it comes to writing my thoughts and feelings at Dear Diary. That is one thing that is going to change in my world. I think E.J. Di Mira (spelling of last name) is such a big jerk but I really like the actor … to Sami right now about their two kids Johnny and Sidney. I know Sami has done her damage in her life to put herself where she is at now, but E. J,?

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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