
I feel real lazy today but have things to do and grocery shopping and meal preparation this afternoon. KH will be here between 930 – 10 am to help me with my shower, get dressed for the day, and then the rest of the morning is all mine and Bing’s until I go grocery shopping. I have decided to take a break from the internet today and have turned off the modem for the day and tonight to catch up on recorded TV shows, read, and do some serious writing. This entry has been written today but not recorded until May 14th – into yesterday’s slot May 13th. I just feel lazy and wanting to do nothing much but I do have enough energy and strength today to go grocery shopping and see C who is going to help me for the time J is out having her baby who is going to be born yet this month – maybe in three days. I can not wait for the baby to be born so she can have her maternity leave and get back to work because I miss her very much. Anyway, today is a good day to be lazy and somewhat inactive.


As C and I were heading to Wal=Mart, it began to rain as we were driving and riding to the store. Claps of thunder followed streaks of lightning in the grey sky – beautiful but dangerous looking. As C and I were leaving the Teamster Manor parking lot, it was not yet raining on the south side of town that afternoon just yet but do remember it raining and a couple of distant claps of thunder were heard – modem shut down for the day so I would keep it safe from any possible surges in the electrical outlets. It was, the rain, coming down hard and furious when we got to Wal-Mart. Got my shopping done, finding out that I forgot something, lol, when I got ready for the evening to go to bed and sleep, and left Wal-Mart with it still raining but it was not coming down so hard by then. It had pretty much stopped and we got back to my apartment building Teamster Manor and it began to rain agin – getting inside before it became downpour of water and C got wet getting my groceries into the building, lol, soaking her sweater and by the time we had the food prep done for the week, she put her rain-soaked sweater on and it was soaked right through – cold feeling and she left for the week.

After C left, CSE came down for a while and we chatted watching TV and I was reading more of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. More than halfway through the book now – Chapters 25 and 26 read today, CSE and I went to visit KM at her place for a while and then we went to take care of CSE’s laundry in the dryer, went up to her place for awhile and then she came back down to visit for a few minutes before leaving mine to head to bed herself. I was able to see CSE’s cat Ethan for the first time in a few weeks and have noticed how big he had gotten – no longer a kitten and was filled out in the face and was now a cat and no longer kitten like but still very active and bouncy as if always anxious and moving as if he was going to miss out on something important. Before CSE and I got really into our projects in my apartment she had mentioned that she had decided to keep Ethan and I thought how rude it was of her to even consider getting rid of Ethan in the first place – not saying so in front of CSE but my face showed my displeasure of her saying such a horrible thing and I believe she got the message that Ethan is not something or someone – a cat – to have for so long because she can not handle him and then give to someone else. It is lie abandoning the cat or being neglectful in my way of thinking… Ethan may be a very high strong and very active cat but then again CSE should not have gotten Ethan in the first place! She almost got herself into trouble bringing him into the building without telling the manager first and getting approval from her. Dang, CSE has been getting into minor fixes lately and it is not like her to act so irresponsibly lately, I still remember her bringing in her laptop, new, and come to find out that she did not pay her rent for two to three months because her laptop cost her $600 and she used her rent monies to get the laptop and she got herself in trouble for it as well. She is still acting irresponsibly lately and it bothers me a lot!

Well, CSE left and lights out for me for the night, Going to head to bed here shortly, Already dozed off watching TV while CSE was still here and I had awakened with a start wondering where I was for a few seconds when she asked me if I was okay. I am tired and definitely ready for bed. Good night and God bless. Sleep well everyone!

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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