Good Morning

Another good morning. Yet no thunderstorm or too much rain yet after the weather people on the TV and the weather forecast texted my way has stated such. Hmmm? What is going on? Everything has bypassed us. Anyway, I have been up since 3 am this morning because I had to run to the bathroom and limped quietly and slowly because my toes on my right foot are bruised from stubbing my toes against the large grandfather clock in the hallway by my bathroom and bedroom! The toes ache and do not feel broken as I am able to stand on tiptoe on the foot without pain. I just have sprained toes right now, lol, and they do ache and feel bruised indeed – not bruised by the look. I can not wait to tell KH when she gets here to help me with my shower this morning – have to tell her so she does not bump my toes too much or handle them without hurting them further. I am embarrassed because I could have fallen down hard and hurt myself real bad if I was not quick witted and able to keep my already unsteady balance steady enough to keep standing. A little while after the incident, the idea of the clock falling over and landing on top of me could have killed me had come to mind. I believe God was there steadying my balance that is already unsteady with the angels he has watching over me right now.

It is now going on 615 am so I am heading back to bed – somewhat – in the recliner until KH gets here at 8 am. I hope she is NOT late today after complaining about it to the nurse who visited on Friday and KH was 20 minutes late getting here when in reality she has no reason being late. I SURELY HOPE I CAN GET AWAY FROM MERCY ASSISTED CARE WITM MORE SHOWERS FROM ANOTHER SHOWER COMPANY THAT IS MORE RELIABLE REAL SOON! I do not care for this shower company anymore or KH being late. More later…weather permitting of course.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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