Puppy Hour and It’s That Time Again

Puppy Hour

Burbank Plaza Apartments now has “Puppy Hour” in the community room everyday from 3 PM to 4 PM. It was not my intention to go into the community at that hour to visit with a couple of my neighbors but I saw my friend RS in the community room and walked in. That is when I saw Sport pup and Hank – another neighbor’s dog – in the community room. I asked if this is puppy hour and I decided to stay for a while and it turned out that I stayed for the entire Puppy Hour time and visited with the two neighbors who were there. I went home at 4 PM while the other neighbors also left. I did enjoy my time outside my apartment for a little while. It was a nice change.

It Is That Time Again

I really dislike certain times of the month when emotions get all mixed up. This month I have gotten quiet and ashamed. First I got embarrassed/ashamed of what happened with my finances and having to borrow money from a close and dear friend to get some groceries for this week.   When I had learned of my finances being in the negative on one account and my checking account I use did get in the red for the first time and money had to cover the negative aspect to make my account $0.00. Thanks to a good friend, I have some money to spend next week – thanks! I ended up finding out yesterday afternoon why everything seemed to crash and become one thing after another feeling. I had actually got emotionally sick Monday. I just could not really talk about what happened with my accounts – both of them/different accounts. UUGGHH. What happened was that I just got emotional because it is just that time again – UUGGHH. I will have to call the Geek Squad tomorrow. I will get things straightened out before going to Bible study tomorrow evening – hopefully.


About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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