Evening Entry


Good evening.  I fine night for relaxing with the A/C on.  No more fireworks going off now the sun goes down so it has been a quiet night for sleeping without a cat underneath futon and my heart racing a mile a minute or two.  I have been recording the Twilight Saga this week and I did watch a little bit of the first part of last movie.  The second part airs tomorrow night of Freedom (Ch. 53 for Janesville, Wisconsin).  I am going to have a Twilight Saga Sunday all day once I wake up.  I have read the Twilight series some time back and enjoyed them so much that now watching the movie series I can place what is happening in the movie (even with commercial breaks I can fast forward and not even watch, hehehe).

Bedtime is looming just around the corner.  It is going on 10 PM and since there is no fireworks going off, I can go to sleep without any problems tonight.  One of the reasons why I stayed up until 10 PM is because I was not sure if anymore fireworks in the neighborhood were going to go off and the other reason was the movie I was watching.  I usually go to bed around 8:30 PM at night but since the 4th, I have decided to stay up a little later now that summer is here.  It has been a good day.  My moodiness seems to be on an even keel but honestly, I am having flashbacks to certain times of my life that kind of scare me a little bit and I have been having strange dreams each night lately.  Well, I think I am going to sign off for now and come back tomorrow or another day.  It has been a good day!

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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