Organization Time

Here I am.  I am writing in my diary before retiring to bed for the night.  For most of the day I have watched Dr. Phil on OWN and again at 3 PM on channel 7 (Spectrum cable CST).  Bed is looming close and I am getting tired at 7:30 PM CST.  After watching a few minutes of Dr. Phil, I decided to call my boyfriend KB to see about tomorrow and I may not see him because his Dad might be at church.  That is fine.  He does not see his Dad too often.  If I do not see KB, I will see him next week.  As I sit here to finish my thoughts of the day out into the open, here I am.

            Organization is one aspect in my life I have yet to master in this life.  I am not one for organization when it comes to putting items in their places.  I am horrible at it.  If anyone came into my home, they would see dysfunction and a mess here and there in all the rooms of my home.  That would be the kitchen, living room, bedroom, bathroom, and what I call the hallway.  My apartment does not have a hallway. My apartment is set up for someone like me who is handicapped.  I live in an apartment that is set up for the handicapped who can still live on their own.  As far as organizing is concerned, I get help with that every day of the week and I do my best at keeping it that way.  My parents in AR are sticklers to my upkeep of organization.  To get away from my housekeeping skills, I do have to admit that my organization skills are better on my computer than keeping house.  I have decided today…of all the days I want to organize better…I have decided to make a place for everything I write in my diary.  Yes, I have a place to write about Bing Crosby the Cat, a place to keep everyone updated about dialysis, my beliefs in God and spiritual/Bible verses, and a place where I will write my prayers and letters to God.  My public diary is where I have been writing about everything under the sun that is worth sharing.  Now I have places where I can write about specific thoughts now.  I need to be better organized and this is a start.  As far as organizing my rooms in my apartment, that is going to be a work in progress from this day forward.  The important thing is that my place is not dirty, I do not have bed bugs, and my laundry is done once a week, and whatever laundry I have is in the laundry basket I have.

            Now I am, just a few minutes before 8 PM, going to say good night.  I am ready for bed and I get up at 5:30 to begin my day to have time with Bing Crosby the Cat, my time with God, and I need to be ready for Sabbath as well as for my ride to dialysis in the morning.  I have been sleeping better at night because I have been sleeping in my bed in my bedroom.  I have taken a couple of naps in the living room in my favorite corner chair this week, but I have retired to bed at a reasonable hour.  Now that fall and winter is coming, it gets dark earlier and I tend to go to bed between 6 PM or 7 PM.  Tonight, I am up a little later than my normal schedule, but that will not always happen every Friday night.  I just have a lot to say in my diary.  Good night dear friends and readers.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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3 Responses to Organization Time

  1. Steve says:

    Testing comment…

  2. ksmiley says:

    Yes, it works now, Steve.

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