The Beginning of Organization

            I have a lot to say tonight, but because it is past 6:30 PM, I will have to wait until tomorrow to do so.  I am getting tired and my IRIS worker MC just left for the night.  I do have to admit that it has been a very good day.  I will talk about dialysis at my new site titled Dialysis Update.  I have been working on organization on my laptop but now I need to organize my desk next week.  Cleaning is not an easy project for me.  Cleaning does get done in my own time.

            I have been with Dear Diary for a few years now.  I do not remember exactly how I came across the site, but it was what is now the old site.  I have seen the changes occur with DD in the past couple of years now and I love the new changes.  The internet, which happens to a great risk every day, has improved in many areas as technology continues to grow.  We have very intelligent people out there who know how to manipulate 0’s and 1’s to make a program, html to make it work on the internet, and people like me to be able to use sites for projects like this.  Yes, writing is considered a project I do on a daily to regular basis even though this month has been quieter. Anyway, I love Dear Diary very much and what SB does for me and other diarists/bloggers is hard work, and I appreciate the hard work of keeping the site from crashing or causing disruption.  Because of SB has a job outside keeping up with diary page, he gets to the problem as soon as he can.  It pays to be patient.  I am glad to be a diarist at DD.

            Well, I got out some of my thoughts.  It is time for me to shut up shop for the night and get some sleep.  With it being Saturday night, I am not worried about going to bed at 8 PM.  I am getting tired is all.  I still have a lot to say and I am working on it in my mind so that my words can get on paper.  I am going to say good night and God bless and come back tomorrow if I have time.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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2 Responses to The Beginning of Organization

  1. Steve says:

    Thanks for your kind words! There should be a few more changes coming soon… Hopefully I can also get to the bottom of what’s going on with some people not being able to leave comments too – since it seems to work for me…

    Anyway – thanks for being here!

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