One of Those Week’s With Something Happening Not the Way it Was Expected

Here I am again, feeling that I have written in a long time, but I wrote something last week. This entry is about this week, except Monday. I do not worry about Mondays because it is dialysis weekend until Tuesday morning. 

This past Tuesday was stressful and a long day after leaving my apartment for what I was hoping to be for four hours. My bath and getting dressed for the day went fine. My long day started when my ride did not pick me up at 8:35 AM. My ride did not pick me up until a few minutes after 9 AM, when I was to be at my appointment by then. I usually get hooked up to a dialysis machine by 9:15 AM and done by 12:30-12:45 PM most days, but today was not smooth sailing. I did not get to the clinic on time, so I waited for my turn, which seemed longer than usual.  

Not only being late, my catheter decided not to work correctly, so the nurse put Cathflo in the catheter, and I had to wait an hour to be hooked up to the machine. At 11 AM I was hooked up to the dialysis machine only to have an hour and a half before they needed to take me off for the day. The treatment went okay, but the machine took not much fluid out. Even though I understood it was a waste of time having treatment, I am happy I did have some fluid taken out of my body. When treatment was over, I had my weight checked and walked to the lobby to wait for my ride—a ride I did not expect. 

I called my ride and told them I was done, and I waited until 1:30 PM. I was expecting to be dropped off since my apartment building is only a minute away from the clinic, but nope. I did not get home until 3:30 PM, two hours later, because I ended up going to Delavan, Wisconsin, since there was another passenger in the car. The passenger was upset and trying to talk to the driver, and I did not blame her for being upset and making important phone calls. Our driver has been getting his passengers to their appointments all day long; I was not singled out. After the passenger got dropped off, the driver decided to get out of the vehicle to have a cigarette while figuring out what he had to do next. I was thinking about getting home for the day and being with my Magic Kitty, and I was thinking, “take me home now, and your review will be a low rating.” Not picking me up on time for my appointment and. Having to wait to be picked up after the appointment and then ride to Delavan and back to Janesville is unacceptable. I also hoped that I did not get this company again or this specific driver. The cigarette smoke made me sick even though he did not smoke in the car. The cigarette smoke was intense and coming from his clothes. I was getting ill from breathing the smell in my nose and mouth. I was not feeling nauseous until after getting home, but I got a headache. I began to remember when Mom would redo her nails, and the nail polish remover would make me sick when I was a teenager before finding out that I had kidney disease. 

After getting home at 3:30 PM, I had to take care of the issue with the internet. My modem was working fine, but the router was not responding when I talked to someone running a test. Yep, the router was not responding. Calling Spectrum when I got home turned into a scheduled appointment for a technician to come and swap out the router with a new one. My friend JM was already here taking care of my Pria (medicine dispenser), so we chatted for a while, and she was giving me some pointers about being on the phone while I was in someone else’s car. I took her points in stride, and it will not happen again. 

The following day, Wednesday had proven to be a better day. Although the router was not working as it should, I could still get online wirelessly, but it was acting up a little bit. By 3 PM, although my appointment was scheduled at 4 PM between 5 PM, a technician came by with another technician (for safety) and D said that he checked my modem earlier before coming at that was great. He mentioned that the signal was coming from the router. He told me that he would disconnect the modem and go downstairs to run some tests that would take fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, he would come back and swap my router and have my internet back up and running. The technicians were here for only half an hour and left with satisfactory results. I have been watching TV on my Roku for the past several days. The Spectrum app has been my friend for a while, and I have enjoyed watching Monk, Murder, She Wrote, Diagnosis Murder, and the 4 PM movie on HMM lately. 

Today was a better day as far as dialysis was concerned. I got to the clinic on time with Lavigne Bus Company. Dialysis went well, and the technician did not have to reverse the lines. Yes, dialysis went without problems. The machine beeped a couple of times because I either moved wrong or my blood pressure read high(er) than usual. I walked in at 96.0 and left near my goal weight. I went and was able to get home right away and wait for JM to come over and visit. It has not been a long day like Tuesday. 

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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