July 9, 2022 – Dialysis Update

Dialysis treatment went smoothly, although my blood pressure went down twice, and the machine had to put on minimum to clean blood. I came into the clinic at 91.5 kilograms and left at the same weight at 91.5 kilograms because the machine could only get .600 kilograms off and out of me today. At least my blood is clean at normal speed. Last Saturday, my blood was only cleaned because I had low blood pressure the entire session. Also, the speed of the machine was 200—below 250. Today, I got something off and cleaned, and the rate was 400. I have no complaints about dialysis treatment today. Now, my dialysis weekend has begun. 

I do have to admit that Saturdays are always a little more anxious for me than my Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have a company named Lavigne Bus Company to get me to take me to my appointments and back, but Saturday, I find that I do not know who is picking me up because the ride changes weekly. I ended up getting a company called Carepoint Transit. A company I do not know. I usually get You Buy We Fly, MMM, or All Aboard. The company that all these rides come from is called Veyo. When we need to get to an appointment, Veyo is called, and they find a vendor company to take us back home to the appointment. This is frustrating because I am not always ambulatory, especially after dialysis. I have always thought that calling a company that does medical rides was easier than having a middleman like Veyo. At least I get to dialysis every treatment most of the time. 

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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