Start of My Day

Good morning from Janesville, Wisconsin. It looks like another cold day today at only 27 degrees this fine March day. It’s a dialysis day number two this week. Do I really want to go? No, not really, but I am not like some of the patients who will come when they want to or wish to, though. I am obedient to my doctors for the most part anyway even though I don’t like going to the doctor’s office. Dialysis is a must that needs to be done three times a week unfortunately. I hate it some days, but it does get me out of the apartment for a while and I see other patients there.

Speaking of other patients, I haven’t seen Linda and Paul for a while, and I learned they had died. Oh my goodness gracious  those two patients made me smile. There is another patient who makes me smile as well. His name is Ray. To be very honest, his jokester attitude also makes me roll my eyes a lot—practically every day he jokes with the techs in such  way that  can be eye popping scary sometimes yet we laugh with him after telling him that’s not nice. On Monday I volunteered to chop off his arm while one of the techs would chop off both legs. He loved and laughed at the idea saying he deserved that backtrack of the damn joke. Lol. I was glad of that to be very honest with you. What a jokester Ray is.

On occasion, I will see or hear patients who have Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday appointments but not all the time. I do miss my friends and regulars from those days, too. I did see Sally and another once this month because they needed an extra day. I don’t miss Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, though. I am glad to have normal weekends off dialysis now to be very honest. I just don’t like the 11:45 AM-2:30 PM time slot, and I can’t get up and going at 4:30 AM in the morning because my caregivers don’t get up that early. Julie M does 5 days of the week and every other week, 4 days of the week she is at her hospital job cooking for inpatients. She has Tuesdays and every other weekend off when there is enough workers those days, and sometimes she works overtime. It has been a rare occasion for her being off lately because other workers don’t want to work these days. The younger generation don’t want to work. How stupid. Because of my recent change in my physical condition and I am not bedridden anymore. I do like ti lay in bed when I’m home, though. I have low energy these days with low kidney function.

Well, the time right now is nothing to worry about. My medical ride will be here by 11 AM – 11:30 AM today. On Monday, my ride did not come until 11:15 AM and we didn’t leave the parking lot until 11:20 or 11:25 AM. It did not make me happy … not real happy about that. I think dispatch needs help. He is doing a good job most of the time, but I did not get a text at 2 PM yesterday regarding my wide, so I had to call and double check with Harry or Monica. You Buy We Fly is a family-owned business and it is a good medical ride company.

I am watching Midsomer Murders season 12 on Freevee this morning on my living room television. When I leave for dialysis, I will turn on the Roku Live channel for the cats so they have something they can hear during my 5 hours I am gone. Even though I am on the dialysis machine for only two hours and forty-five minutes each clinic visit, it takes a few minutes to clean and hook me up and a few minutes to unhook my catheter to and from the machine. It may seem a mundane to someone, but the techs and nurses want no problems with the machines. The patients as well.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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