Plase Do Not Think I am Crazy

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I had decided to get on line to do other things on line when the MSN webpage showed a picture of our former President, Ronald Reagan. I looked at the picture and read the dates and saw that 1911-2004 was on the picture. I knew right there that he had died after having a long battle of Alzhiemer’s Disease. Before anyone of us knew that Grandpa Clarence had Alzhiemer’s Disease himself, I had learned of President Reagan’s ordeal with the disease and pushed the idea of Grandpa Clarence ever having it until….Grandpa was diagnosed with severe dimentia – another name for AD. When I had learned of Grandpa’s ordeal and fight with the disease, I felt for the former President Ronald Reagan and his family…whether or not he was anyone’s favorite president or not. When I had learned of his death, Reagan’s, my heart felt the ease of knowing that Ronald was now at peace and rest from suffering for so many years. According to the news report read at Memorial of Ronald Reagan said that the past month RR was getting worse and becoming harder to reach according to Nancy, the former 1st Lady. My heart reached out to the family.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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