The Wedding

It has been a long time since I have gone to a wedding. Today I went to one and I had a good time. I went with Nellie Mom and G. I felt alone at first because I sat alone in one of the pews in the church’s sanctuary/ No one sat by me but I did have someonoe in front of me and behind me and in the pew across from me. I felt alone to some degree on the right hand side of me, though. G sat in the back of the church in a pew alone as well, if I remember correctly. The wedding ceremony was beautiful and amazing. It has been a long time since I had been to a wedding that I forgot what a wedding ceremony was like. The only thing about the wedding I went to, which I had no qualms about, there was no dancing but eating and socialization and lots of music and chatter. I did not sit alone at the reception even though I wanted to I felt bad enough that G did not sit with me. I did not feel rejected or anything but I felt alone and quite uneasy during the wedding ceremopny that I had tears in my eyes when the bride walked down the aisle. I knew the groom from meeting him at a church camp meeting in the summer of 2001. The bride, a phillipino woman, was so beautiful and lovely in her dress, the tears formed in my eyes but did not roll down my cheeks. I felt embarrassed because I thought that we are to cry at funerals and smile at weddings. I was mixed up! LOL

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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1 Response to The Wedding

  1. kaliko88 says:

    Tears come for many reasons and feelings, not just sadness. What I’ve learned is, they generally come when we feel those emotions intensely and deeply.

    That’s interesting about what SDA think about dance. I looked up dance in the bible and found nine references, including this one. Psalms 150:4 – Praise Him with the timbrel and dance; Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!

    Ah well, we each praise Him differently. I’m glad you had fun. 🙂


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