
I realize that I have only written one time in September. Once again I have been busy with school and my personal life. As a matter of fact, I have two lives to live at this my personal and school/student life. IO have been doing very well in college and I have a good reason to be a very happy person. Anyway, with my last entry being on the fact that I have been having trouble sleeping, I have to say that ever since I have had that problem, I have had not that many sleepless nights so I have them just about under control. As a matter of fact I had, the other night, fallen asleep while my friend JS was on the computer and she tried to wake me up by calling my name and touching my arm and I was out like a light bulb sawing trees, lol. I had awakened at 10:15 p.m. and noticed she was gone and had left me a note a short time later. I felt embarrassed but I was told not to feel that way. JS is a very good friend!

So much has come and gone since I have written in September. As a matter of fact, I have been getting out more and going to the library at least once a week or so – sometimes twice a week with another friend of mine (JR) when she goes to the library. I have also been checking out DVD’s and watching them at home. As a matter of fact, my DVD player has been running more in the past three to four weeks than it has ever run in the past two years! LOL…

I know for a fact that getting out more has been helping my anxiety and depression stay away — Even on a cloudy day.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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3 Responses to 10/25/06

  1. "I have been doing very well in college and I have a good reason to be a very happy person."

    I am so glad to hear this! I have wondered how things were with you. Welcome back and don’t stay away so long!

    God bless


  2. kaliko88 says:

    Ah yes, DVDs from the library. My problem is sometimes I check something out then forget to watch it. Not this last time, though. Finally got season 1 of Inspector Lynley series. 🙂


  3. Britani18 says:

    I also enjoy renting movies and watching them. I do that more than I go to the movies. I’m glad to hear your sleeping better. Have a great weekend and God bless.


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