A Relaxing Weekend and Looking Forward to My Week

Well, other than my weekend being relaxing and downright lazy on Saturday, I do have to admit that my weekend was a relaxing, fun weekend. I could not have asked for more, especially after having Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday filled with plans that went well and good. My week started and ended wonderfully, bringing on a relaxing weekend and some of the weekend was spent with myself alone with my precious Bing Crosby, my white cat with blue eyes. Anyway, this weekend was fun – watched movies and began reading a book titled “The Doomsday Conspiracy” written by Sidney Sheldon, and that book is another one of those “I cannot put down the book” books, and I love reading it. It is an awesome read. I began reading the book earlier in the week but forgot when I did begin, but that’s okay because I am halfway finished with the book now anyway. It is an awesome read. Is the weekend almost over already? Yep! Am I glad? Yes, I am. I have plans for tomorrow, Tuesday, and not sure what is going on the rest of the week just yet but that’s okay. That is the finest mystery of my life sometimes.

Anyway, I had gotten a call from my dad today and we chatted about summer plans and yet the summer plans are very sketchy yet, but that’s okay. I hear from my dad often throughout the month. He is a busy man. We even talked about my educational endeavors being finished, my upcoming graduation in Milwaukee in June on the 26th, and my plans on finding work, and most importantly, my debt of student loans. LOL, go figure. My dad wants the very best for his daughters who are just finishing college in the same year. Yes, my sister is graduating from Wichita, Kansas this May too. My sister and I graduate college in the same year. How that was managed was definitely not planned but since it was founded out a few months ago, I was so excited to be graduated college in the same year as my little sister who is 21 years old. Woo hoo. My dad sounded disappointed that he and his wife will not make it to my graduation but I am not worried about it because I will be seeing them this summer sometime hopefully. and by then I really do hope I have a job — a good one at that too. Exciting1 My dad does not want to miss a beat I do not think, though. His kids, my sister, myself, and our older brother are important to him —- very important.

I do have plans for tomorrow and Tuesday — beginning to look for work tomorrow with a company called Community Solutions and I am looking forward to making headway on getting a job. We have already met briefly not too long ago now but I am definitely excited! Tuesdsy, unless plans have changed again, we have our first crafts and I have been looking forward to that for the past few days when our crafts session was cancelled this past week. I am yet not sure what is happening on Wednesday and the rest of the week but I will play that by ear I guess. I do know that I am looking forward to this week, and that is all I can really say. Maybe I will have my book finished before the weekend.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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