My Day

My Morning

My morning began at 7:15 am this morning for reason that I just could not sleep anymore and did fall asleep around between 9 and 930 pm last night. I got up, dressed for the day, and decided to take some time for myself before J and A came by to help me clean my apartment. I watched the last bit of the cartoon Wacky Races on the Boomerang channel as well as watched The Perils of Penelope Pitstop, did some reading, and when J got here, we began putting clean clothes and toweltries away when A got here to clean the bathroom, sweep and mop the kitchen and bathroom floors, vacuum, and shortly after everything was done, J and A left for the day.

My Afternoon

My afternoon was not as busy as my first four hours of my day was. I did have company over for a few minutes after 230 pm but my afternoon was relaxing and comfortable. I watched recorded TV programs, watched a couple of Live TV shows, played Cafe World and Farkle on Facebook, talked to a friend who needed to vent through texting on our cell phones, saw my friend CSE for a few minutes because she needed to trade a couple of Powerades with me – she is allergic to strawberries and had to trade in her strawberry lemonade powerades with me and then she left and came back with Lysol – upon my request – and then left again. I was thinking of having CSE down for awhile tonight but decided to wait until tomorrow or Thusrday because she sounded horrible and I did not want to get sick again and she does not want to get me sick again.

The Rest of My Day

I feel, after my company left after 3 pm and CSE came down and left again, I have had a fairly busy day after all. I feel lazy most of the time when I do not have any plans made – normal for me for the most part – and I am getting tired and will be retiring to bed soon. I have decided to watch more recorded TV on my DVR box through cable, read some more, play more games on facebook. Facebook is so addictive! I am on facebook everyday and love it, lol. The only time I am not on my computer much, since I am no longer in school, is when I am not feeling good.

Good Night Early

I can not believe that it is going on 9 pm already! I am going to sign off for the day and come back sometime tomorrow. I am going to have my shower tomorrow afternoon between 1130 – 12 noon tomorrow – knowing that KH will be late once again – it is a constant habit of hers. AARRGG!

Good night and God bless.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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