My Saturday Morning & Afternoon

I did not get up until 1030 am this morning! If I did not wake up and head to the bathroom, I believe I would have slept the entire morning away but that is not certain at this time but I do believe it would have happened, lol. Anyway, I spent the rest of my morning watching TV, reading some of my The Long Winter by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and got online here almost right away. I am not getting dressed today so I am wearing my house dress for the entire weekend. I even felt hungry so a little after 130 pm I decided to have some lunch after having breakfast of saltine crackers before and after taking my antibiotic and medications for the day. I had fish sticks and canned spinach (my veggie) for lunch today. Since I started the antibiotic, I have been eatisng less or saltine crackers only because that was all I could stomach but noticed my appetite for more food had come back yesterday so I am taking it slow. The fish and spinach sure did taste real good. I did not, excuse me ladies and gentleman, have a bowel movement yesterday but did a couple of times already today so I am not constipated and that the bowels are moving. Bing Crosby the cat here has been quite near – in sight for me – today and he has just moved himself to a kitchen chair after having a bite to eat from his food dish and water to drink. He was laying on the back on the recliner above my head for about 2 hrs but time is not really known. He was behind me above my head when I ate my lunch is what I do remember and I began eating about 130 pm or so at least – so I believe it really was an hour he was on the back of the recliner. I have also been playing games on my IPod Touch this morning and afternoon – Pet Hotel and Pet Shop ever since I got myself going at 1030 am. It is now 230 am… 2 1/2 hrs away from my shower for the evening and then the rest 0f the weekend is ALL mine. I am also watching/listening to John Grisham’s story “The Rainmaker” starring Matt Damon, Clare Danes, Danny Devito a few other actors/actresses I have seen on other shows and movies as well that was recorded at 1 am this morning that I wanted to see. It is an okay movie but the story written by John Grisham is definitely better than the movie. I have also been dwiddling down the chapters in LIW’s book The Long Winter. I am going to be reading chapter 27 – chapter 33 before the weekend is over at bedtime Sunday night and begin reading Little Town on the Prairie before Monday – I hope anyway. That is my goal. KB will be here at 5 pm or so this evening and will be gone 615 or so and then the weekend will be all mine until I wake up Monday morning for the day. I am trying to remember if I have any plans for Monday but at this time I do not past my 8 am shower but Tuesday I will be fairly busy as I have my counseling appointment Tuesday afternoon with PS – alone because I had to cancel my one appointment where MM is in attendance with PS and I as well – ever other counseling session anyway until further notice.

More later… Back to Pet Hotel and Pet Shop, The Long Winter, and watching of TV. Good bye for now but not forever., Oh yes, my cell phone has been silent so far this weekend as far as texting is concerned. Ny BFF JS had not texting me anymore since her good morning and have a good weekend when she texted me before 1030 am. That means JS is taking a break from texting or is busy. More later and have a good rest of the afternoon. I will be back sometime after my 5 pm shower UNLESS I have some more to share, say, and write, lol. Gotta run!

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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