One of Those Weeks

This gal is happy that the weekend will be beginning soon. It has been one of those weeks. With the United States under quarantine because of the Coronavirus has spread to all the states. I can go to dialysis three times a week at this time because it is essential and a necessity that I go. Tomorrow is my last day before my dialysis weekend begins once I leave the clinic. I have been stressing out this week because I had gotten my spider plant back from my IRIS worker DKF and my cat Bing Crosby has been adamant getting to the plant, and once he eats of it, he gets sick. He is determined to get to the plant. I have not slept well at night since Tuesday night because I have not been sleeping in my bed; I have been sleeping on my couch sitting up with the TV on, and getting up every few minutes to get Bing off the desk because he plays with the blinds to get through and onto the window ledge to walk to the plant. At the same, Bing is getting stressed and ornery with me. I am hoping, with the anxiety and stress I have been dealing with, tomorrow will be better. Dawn might take the plant back, or it will have to get thrown away.

A Thought About Grammar

As I sit here to write my thought for the day, I have to admit that using Grammarly. It does help me get my words on the screen to be accurate without grammatical error or less (detectable) that Microsoft Office or Mac’s Pages does not always detect. I dislike it when I read essays, papers, and articles that have misspelled words, and words used that are not the correct word in a sentence. A good example is:

I love to be their. (wrong word)

I love to be there. (correct word)

Please forgive me for being so critical. I forget that we all learn differently and that I should do what I know and go from there. Boy, this week had some curveballs coming and going in my life. I still love life despite my anxiety. The idea of knowing stress lasts a short time, and it depends on the issue at hand. Right now, it is because of the Coronavirus pandemic and Bing Crosby the cat is adamant getting to the spider plant.

Time To Go

I have a lot to say, but I will wait until tomorrow to write, talk again. It is getting late, and I will be up late another night, keeping Bing from the plant. I need my sleep.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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