
Hello and welcome to my Friday evening. I am doing my best at relaxing before going to bed for the night. I am already laying down, but will be putting things aside to get some rest because tomorrow is dialysis day. My weekend has begun with Sabbath in tow until tomorrow night. I need not talk about how my day went because that is not really important. I had my cares throughout the day, had to change my disposable underwear twice, had breakfast and lunch, snacks at my side through the evening and night. I am not in the snacking mood tonight. That is okay, though. I have been dealing with some ups and downs these days.

I do have to admit that I found out that my boyfriend changed his phone number with Verizon. Why he did it confuses me, but I love my boyfriend very much, and his reason for getting a different number is his choice. I had, accidentally blocked his new number because it was an unknown number. With unknown numbers, I do not answer and immediately block. I have friends and family in my contact list. I had changed my phone number a couple of times for reasons at the time were fitting. I saw a call from Mercy North, my former doctor’s office. Apparently, they called in December. I never called them back and I have a different doctor anyway at Mercy South.

All day, until 5 PM, I watched CSI: Miami, an episode of S.W.A.T. I switched to CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. After my cares this morning and afternoon were done for the day, I have to admit it has not been a bad day. I learned how to reset my ROKU device using the remote. It is a lot of steps, but easy. You press the home button five times, the up arrow once, the rewind button two times, and then the fast forward button twice, and your ROKU will reset, and the sound will come back. Whoever thought of this was clever. I have had sound/audio go out three times now, but did not worry.

Well, it is time for me to say good night and God bless. My phone and watch are charging, and my iPad will be charging in a little bit.

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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