Another day has come and it is now going on 12 noon. I am not feeling all that great really. I caught my mother’s cold! LOL About 7 o’clock last night we had a t-storm with a good amount of lightning and loud claps of thunder which scared me as well as Emilee Cuddles. I could not get on line there. I did not dare actually. In fact, the electricity went out for a couple of seconds, which scared me more so than anything. It was pretty dark in my place.

With my cold, I have been coughing and feeling yucky. I just do not have the gumption to do much of anything, lol! I am still in my pajamas and my hair up in a ponytail and believe me … my hair NEEDS to be washed! I am going to wash it shortly though … in the sink. I do not have the wants to battle a sensitive smoke detector going off because of the heat from the hot water from the shower. That really is bothersome, especially when I do not feel that great and the energy is zapped from me! Anyway, my cleaning lady came today and cleaned my place so I am actually feeling better in that department, but I just learned that when she gets through her divorce, I may not see her again because she is moving away from here and her plans are to go to Iowa. I feel bad about losing a good/great cleaning lady. She is fantastic! I have known her for about 2 years or more. so I am dealing with some confusion with that situation right now. I love her a lot.

I have to come back later… bye for now

About ksmiley

I feel I am back to journaling once again.
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2 Responses to

  1. I hope you get over your cold soon! God bless.

  2. Poor sweetie 🙁

    I hope you feel much better real soon.

    Hugs, Maggie

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