My Day Today

Here I am…up later than usual, and I am taking the day off of school tomorrow. I had lost practically two nights of sleep since my grandpa’s death. I was not really with it today. At 6 p.m. this evening I noticed that my bidy just would not worj=k for me but against me. My friend Nana had to give me a hand so I could step down off a curb! How embarrassing!! Even though I felt my heart was not in it today, I still had to give it a shot for the day. I get to sleep in tomorrow and Thursday. I miss my grandpa very much even though he was mentally gone for five years. In a way, my grandpa died twice and I grieved twice. I am glad, even though the loss is so great, that grandpa is no longer suffering and is in no pain. I am happy in that sense but the loss is so great right. I miss my grandpa very much.

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A Quick NOTE

I am planning on writing about my grandpa Clarenceas soon as I get over the numbness of his passing. Grandpa’s death was expected sooner or later with his severe demencia being so bad but yet it’s a shock to have lost a loved one.

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Grandpa Clarence Fox

Clarence Valentine Fox

July 25, 1912 – February 15, 2003

At age 90


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From Friday sundown to Saturday sundown you can find me at Kristi’s Sabbath Keeper/Christian Journal. Otherwise you will find me here any other day before Friday sundown.

My Evening

It is time for me to get going for the evening. I am getting tired. I have talked to three online friends at MSN tonight. I chatted with a friend earlier this afternoon but now my chatting is over. Emilee has the best idea right now…catnapping. I did not do that today./ It sure does feel good to be awake at certain hjours of the day during the weekend, especially during this time of the year. I think I am going to say good night for now.

Good Night

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Good Night

It is late and I am tired. I am staying just a little bit longer tonight but I am signing of for the night in hopes for a good night’s rest. I had a very nice day today. My friend REB exhanged gifts and I got a Beanie Baby named Sizzles and he is so cute and adorable. He is red with a pink nose, black eyes. He is a dorable. I thought thhat was a precious gift my friend could give. It was small, yes, but the gift itself was big in sentimental value. He told me he likes m gift and special – made for him Valentine’s card. It was a beautiful day all day long and it is now snowing outside so I am GLAD I am in a nice warm apartment.

Good Night!

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Happy Valentine’s Day To My Dear Diary Friends

I thought I would take a moment and wish all of my friends a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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Day Is Ending

My dauy was a good one. I am glad that my Friday is not going to be a long day at all. I will only be at school tomorrow from 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. tomorrow, and I do look forward to Fridays no matter how my week goes. I can lay off the homework for two evenings. No studying… As for my day today, it did end rea; nice.

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Checking In 1

I really do not have anything to report other than I am doing fine. Had a good day at school yesterday so I am GLAD that I did not play hookey. I was in one of those moods that kept shifting back and forth from I want to do this and do not want to do this. I hate moments like that! LOL Another day of school is in progress right now. Today is even a Better day emotionally, thank goodness. I was definitely fighting my emotions all day long yesterday! YUCK! Other than that, my day is going well so far. I have only one class today and that is great. I have a break from two other classes today, yeah! Not much is going on right now except for a little playtime and the debating thoughts of going to have lunch downstairs in the commons. Kind of early for lunch as it is only going on 11 a.m. and I ate breakfast at home this morning. I ate breakfast at home? Yep and for the first time in a long time too, LOL What a day so far! A good one, too. I have been running to the bathroom a lot today too, LOL I have drank a lot of water already from 6:30 a.m. on to the present. By the time I left for school I had drank three glasses of water already – Yikes! I am thirsty again, LOL

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The Low Feeling Disappeared

I hate having low feelings. I never know what will come into play. I have been noticing that I have been beating the odds and not letting my low feelings keep me down and getting through my days with a smile. I was debatng on going to school this morning but beat the demon inside me wanting to play hooey and not go. I got up early and got dressed and went out to school – each step crucial steps to the door of the school. I felt, as long as I was not sick in bed,why should I miss school – so I went and had a good day all day long.

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My First Entry of the Day – 8:44 a.m.

Here is the scoop – the beginning of my day. It is very cold outdoors so I wore my coat with a hood and bundled up good for the outside weather. I had called the temperature and it was only 5 degrees outside at 5:58 a.m. I had litterally gotten up forty-five minutes before my alarm went off for reasons I had fallen asleep before 10 p.m. and went to bed. When I had awakened the first time, it was only 11 p.m. in the evening and I had already slept about two hours. WOW! This morning, even though I was wide awake whem I woke up about 6 a.m. I felt a little low and depressed and was debating on going to school for a half an hour. Decided to beat the debating issue and get out of bed and dressed and go to school. I was not going to allow another day of depression and grayness beat me up. I am at school right now happy to be here and beat the odds of missing another day of schools. I hate the feelings of depression but I am so glad to beat the odds wben times are not so good for me. The weather has a lot to do with it and I am glad to get to school and be happy that I beat the demon inside me. I am going to stay all day and go to all my classes unless my Keyboarding instructor insists that I go home. Well, I have to go to class in a few minutes. Bye for now.

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