The Kink

I had awakened with a kink in my neck this morning on the right side. OUCH!!! It still hurts but it does not hurt as bad as it did this morning. I could not turn my neck to the right very well today but now with some heat on it after getting home from school I can turn it enough before it says enough. It still wants to catch and it is a pain in the neck! OUCH! I am going to have to put more heat on it later tonight. I also put Icy Hot on it and that has helped slightly since it was a half an hour ago I had applied the ointment. Turning my neck is not as painful or as achy. That is the kink in my neck story today, LOL

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My Day Today

Being a Sabbath keeper and not ashamed of sharing that with other people of different faiths or those who do not beleve in God at all, I went to church this morning with Nellie Mom and G. After church we had potluck at the church and very few people came. As Nelle, G, and I sat at the table, no one visited us at all. I had to go up to the people to talk to them. 🙂

After potluck, we all came home and separated from each other and went in our own directions meaning apartments. there I had turned on the television to listen to Contemporary Christian music, and dozed off on the futon for THREE HOURS! 🙁 Anyway, I have gotten up when I got a phone call at 5:30 p.m. this evening/early evening from my friend Catie who wanted to know if I had anything for supper yet. We talked for awhile and when we hung up, I stayed awake since then. Now I am going to be up for a while, LOL. A late night for me I think. I hope not anyway!!! Nellie Mom was not so lucky being able to take a nap. Her phone rang seven times and I was one of those seven calls. 🙁

As for the rest of my day, I am at home just waiting for time to pass. It is now 9 p.m. here at home and time is not really slipping by fast or fast enough, LOL. Boy what a slow night. The only part of my evening I am really enjoying is talking to AUssie Deaf Man at MSN messenger. I do not know how long we have been talking at this point but it has been lots of fun. I also enjoy reading his entries at Dear Diary.

Well, that takes care of tonight. Gotta run for now. More tomorrow if I have time.

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Friday Night Thoughts

Oh my goodness, I can not really find the words to write in my journal tonight really. For a person who loves to write, that can sometimes be considered “writer’s block”, but tonight I have to admit that it is not at all ‘writer’s block”. I wish I could say that, but then it would be lying and I would be deceiving those who read my entries now and then. Tonight I am just having a hard time putting ALL my thoughts in writing. Everything seems to be mixed up and yet are able to be found in my mind. I have been looking forward to the week to end and the weekend to begin. As bad as my week was, the weekend was looking more pleasant than the week itself but after Wednesday, my week began to get better as each minute passed. Today, all day, I have noticed that everything seemed to be falling into place instead of out of place. After being a so-called victim of other people’s gossip and rumors, I really did not know what to think at first except cry, be angry, and be confused to why people can be so cruel and nasty no matter how nice you are to them. I have cried many tears since October 1st because I had lost a dear friend, Christine, to cancer and then I was seeing everything else fall out of place from that day forward. Now the tears have been relieved and no more tears are shed at this time. I had talked to Nellie Mom about what was on my mind last night for the past few days and after talking to her about what was on my mind, I did not realize it until after I got to school that a big burden was lifted off my heart and mind. Once again Nellie Mom has made things better. Nellie Mom is a special person in my life.

I feel that this week has been a merry-go-round all week long. It did not start out so well and it ended just great. I have learned that I have one great teacher up in heaven and that is God. No matter what happened this week in my life, I went to school to all my classes even though I felt like staying home and hiding in my apartment all day and night. I feel that I have accomplished something big in my life. I am such an emotional person at times and yet as emotional as I am, I can yet smile. I have, just like everyone else, endured so much in life and yet I am still here and alive and doing fine. I believe that Satan, that horrible deceiving angel of light, really got a hold of me this week. I am SO GLAD that my world is now sunny again even though the weather outdoors is cold and rainy and gloomy. I am afraid that winter has arrived here and it is not a very pleasant time of year for me. Oh well.

Even though I have had a merry-go-round kind of week, I do have to admit that I am doing well in school. I got all my mid-term grades today and I have four satisfactories in my four classes. I am a VERY happy person today. YES! The class had gotten their homework back from our algebra teacher today for set 5 and I got an 80%, a B-,, and I am VERY happy. It is close to a C but HEY, I can not argue on the two C’s I have gotten in algebra at this time when the rest are B’s. I am VERY happy. Also, the other day I took a test for basic skills math and I had not done so well and I got a 64% so I had reviewed what I did wrong with the instructor and took the first retake and I found out today I got an 80%, which is something I did not expect really. Now I can go on with the next unit and the next unit I will be doing will be algebra. I just love algebra! COOL! I have been working VERY hard on getting the grades I have been getting.

My week is ending out wonderfully. It is almost ironic to have my week beginning so not so wonderful and end out just wonderful!!

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Thanks for Comments For Yesterday’s Entry

After having such a weird week this week, today, I do have to admit that I am doing better today. I would like to thank those who took the time to read my entry yesterday and comment such nice comments. I know that gossip and rumors is not a very good thing to talk about or even write about when it affects you and the people around you. What I have found out is you can not trust everyone in your life and no matter where you live, you will run into people who are unhppy and mind everyone’s business but their own. I know I have been hurt because I have been a “victim” of such gossip and rumors and that hurt is going away now even though it is slowly and surely. I am finding myself not a very happy woman right now having to resort to leaving to do errands or go to school and coming straight home to my apartment and locking my door with me sitting among my belongings and staying away from certain people. That is one change in life I have to get accustomed to.

More later

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Monday, Tuesday, and Right into Wednesday!

I have not been in the best of moods for the past two days. In fact, I am finding myself a little down and depressed because of the “why” of the not the best of moods. I am sitting here thinking of why people do the things they do just to irritate, aggrevate, and or make someone else very unhappy. It does not matter where we go in life, there is going to be someone who is so unhappy that they could and would complain about every little thing and what is already being done does not satisfy their wants. There is ALWAYS a bowl of cherries with some rotten cherries in it! This is such an imperfect world. I am finding myself that in order to be happy I have to make myself happy and no one else. I know that I do not make everyone in my life happy either with decisions I make, etc…, so I have to do what I have to do to make me happy. I have not been in the best of moods since Monday. In fact, I have been doing a lot of crying at night before I go to bed. I have been hurting in my heart so bad that the tears have been many. I still want to hide in a corner or be in the confines of my apartment, and cry all the tears out that are still wanting to be shed. I am not feeling very happy right now and haven’t been happy since Monday night. I feel that I have been accused of something I know I am not doing even thouogh the person is not accusing me of anything but blowing off steam themself. I also feel that I am so hated by a group of people that among themselves they are saying that I am spreading rumors and lies all over the place such as the internet and to other people. What a life these people live! Not a happy life!!! Such gossip and rumors CAN BE hurtful and I surely do have an aching heart because of gossip and rumors. YUCK!

to be continued

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Just Dropping a Line Quickly – Entry 1

I am not at school today. I have an appointment this morning to get my hair done. It needs a trim and a color job. Don’t worry, LOL, it is a natural blonde that I am having done to it. I have someone coming about 1 p.m. this afternoon to drop off some food I had ordered from Schwan’s some time back. They have a website you can order from at>Schwan’s. I hope you can see the link. LOL Sometimes I have difficulties with adding links to pages or entries.

I ave an appointment this morning to get my hair done. YEAH! It needs to be redone with the color I had done weeks ago. In fact my hair should have been touched up a couple of weeks ago or so as color does not last very long. Anyway, it NEEDS to be done.

I have to say that this is a quick entry for sure. I will be back later. I really do not have any plans of going anywhere special after my appointment at the hairdresser’s anyway. I will write more later if I have the chance. I do have an idea for an entry anyway. Good bye for now.

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My Day Ends!

<My day has not ended abruptly but it surely has been a fairly good day. I did not leave my apt at all except to go to Nellie Mom's place to get a plate of spaghetti I had forgotten yesterday while visiting with her at lunch and in the early part of the afternoon. I have the plaate 0f spaghetti in my refridgerator ready to be eaten at my next meal tomorrow since I am now full after eating supper. I was not hungry for spaghetti tonight but I will be tomorrow. The spaghetti is very good. It is left over from last weekend's wedding I went to with Nellie Mom and G.

I have been working on my stepfather’s dog page today for a while and I finally have pictures there. I have a brother pup and a sister pup now and I was updating my sister pup’s page to add more pics, and it turned out that I combined the two into one page instead of two pages. You can see the page at>Fkyer and Shadow I hope you can see the page! I worked hard at it…LOL I am so glad that I have somethinig accomplished that is outside of school and my life as a student. Honestly, this semester has been wonderful so far and I have been really enjoying school very much, but being able to do soomething outside of school surely has been a joy this weekend.

Now my day on my computer has ended and I am glad to be done with my day. I am getting tired now and I am almost ready for bed. I will be retiring early tonight since I will be getting up early to get ready for school. It has been a faorly good day all day long even though I have spent the entire day in my apartment except to get a plate of spaghetti. I am ready for my night to come now. Good nigiht and God bless you all!

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I Have Not Forgotten

The last time I had written in my journal was on Thursday. I have been busy but I have not forgotten. I just did not have anything to write about and if I did write anything it would not add up to much as far as words. I have been fine physically and mentally and emotionally even though I have my lovely period this weekend, TUCK! LOL. I am surviving just fine. I wanted to write in my journal Friday and Saturday but time just escaped me and I did not feel awake enough to write anything by the time I really wanted to. On Friday when I got home from school I visited with the manager of Teamster Manor (adoptive Mom) about a birthday celebration she wanted me to be a part of. Friday night was a fairly busy night for me, Nana, Nellie Mom, Cheryl and Jamie, and “G”. We had celebrated a birthday for an 84 year old man who is a tenant here in the building at this time even though he is in a nursing home recovering from a previous illness, The six of us, including “J” had a great time. As a matter of fact, “J” cried because he saw how we all cared to give him the very best and a memory to last the rest of his life. After the birthday celebration Nana and I came back and got ready for the night because I had plans to be to church in the morning with Nellie Mom and G for Bible study and worship services. Usually my Saturdays are fairly busy and I do not have a lot to write about that day of the week. Today is the first day back since Thursday sometime.

After church, Nellie Mom, G, and I came back to the apartment complex for the rest of the day. I did not plan on having lunch with anyone until Nellie Mom had invited me to have chili with her and “G” which I did. I did have lunch witih Nellie Mom and “G”. I did not leave Mom’s place until after 3 p.m., which made my Saturday morning and afternoon with her and G rememberable and enjoyable. After I got home from not being all morning since I left, I had a cat sleeping in her little house and being a good girl, and so I had time for myself but that did not last long, LOL

Today is just a Sunday morning before noon and I am home finding time for myself. I have my homework done up to the point where my teacher had discussed. I felt, all day long, that the homework I was doing was confusing but found out differently, LOL I had been doing a great job there! SMILE

More later…

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Entry 2

It is 9:25 p.m. and it is almost time for me to go to bed. Not a lot to be said right now really. I have school tomorrow but thankfully my day at school ends shortly before noon. I had gone out to eat with Nana Lea this evening to celebrate her “new” sight because she has had cataracts on both eyes for three years. Now she is cataract free in her right eye just like I am but Nana can have the other eye done in about three weeks. I will be seeing my eye doctor on October 29th for an update on my right eye and a discussion on the left eye being done. I am ready for the other eye to be done I think. I know I am. I have to go for now. Good night.

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Entry 1

I really do not have any title for this entry so it is Entry 1 at this time. I really was busy yesterday that I did not have a whole lot of time to write in my journals yesterday but did find a few minutes to write in my school journal in the morning before my 9 o’clock class began about ten minutes before. I have been feeling okay yet a little lost after losing Christine to cancer last week. I can not believe that my week has been going slow and fast all at the same time. As a matter of fact, I felt that algebra came and went so quickly that we were having fun in class playing with graphing calculators, LOL. As for the rest of my day, I just did not feel all that comfortable being on my computer too long. I was getting tired. I was able to be home by 2 p.m. yesterday instead of 3 p.m. because of the way time went yesterday. I had lunch with my friend M a little bit earlier than expected because she had finished her Medical Terminology test a bit earlier than she expected. That was good in a way because I wanted to go home early if I could and I was able to. By the time I got home from school, I felt tired and was ready for bed early even though sleep was difficult to find last night. LOL Sleep has been difficult to find lately anyway so what is new.

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