A Short Entry For Sure!

I am so tired now that i can not keep my eyes open. I wanted to write my journal earlier today but I was having difficulties with the school computer I was using and I was getting so frustrated, LOL. I will write again tomorrow then. Good night…YAWN

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School is Not That Far Behind Now!

School starts tomorrow for me. I am SO very EXCITED and happy. No more sleeping in this week except for Thurday because I am expecting Rose to come to help clean my apartment – At least I think she is coming this Thursday, LOL I really do not have much more to say right now except for the fact that I have some nervousness in my stomach regarding going back to school and my body is aching slightly at the elbows and knees. The ache is slightly unbearable, but what is new with this girl? Really… I will be retiring to bed early tonight and get my body set up for the next nine weeks of going to school four to five days a week and having only the weekends to myself and Emilee Cuddles. In fact, I have NOT SEEN Emilee since 4 p.m. this afternoon when I came back from checking on my neighbor’s cat Oreo for the night Gotta run! Good night everyone!

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Sorry, Haven’t Been Here a Couple of Days

I just wanted to let you know that I would have been here yesterday but I was gone yesterday afternoon but plans to run some errands and go fishing was in the plans, but when Mark and I got to BTC to pick up my books for school but when we were going to leave to go to the bank and then fishing, his truck WOULD NOT START! I ended up calling my friend Nana to pick me uo in the BTC parking lot and she took me o the bank real quick, then we went for a quick bite to eat and got an ice cream at Frosty Freeze. Then, when we got home, a little after 6 p.m., a major t-storm hit us pretty hard until late. Even tonight we are at risk for another storm! So I will be back as soon as I van to write more. I have to run for now. Good night.

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I Am Disgusted!

I have been wakting patiently for my food to arrive from the company I have been ordering from for the past few months. In fact, they never showed up at 1 p.m. this afternon when they are usually here and they never came while I was out to lunch with my friend. It is 7:15 p.m. now and they have not yet been here! I am not thrilled at all. I can not believe that this has happened at all. I am at the point right now where the time just goes on and on without even a word from them about my order. I do know that my order is on the truck somewhere. Did they forget? Is the driver hurt or something? Where is my food?! I can not understand why my food has not arrived yet or why no one has returned my call regarding the wherabouts of my food. I doubt it very much if my food was dropped off with another tenant. If my food was left with another tenant, it would be with the manager or the manager back up if the manager is not home or here for some reason or another. There are tenants in this building who are not at all trustworthy or people we need to be careful about. I am disgusted that I am so close to tears as to where is my food. The food I ordered is not at all cheap and I could not see the driver leaving my food with a total stranger! I feel like I am getting to tohe point in my disgust I had felt not too long ago like this past Saturday when my friend could not spend the night. I hope I find out what has happened soon or i will be doing some calling tomorrow as soon as I get up in the morning. i will be very happy and relieved if my food does come yet tonight even if it might be late.

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Ready For My Day Now

I have been up since 8:07 a.m. this morning. Had fed my cat Emilee, took my medications, got the computer up and running for the day, read The Great Controversy book finishing the chapter I began reading last night, got on line to check all my e-mails in various places, ate breakfast of fruit and texas toast. The texas toast bread being a little bit too big for regular toaster, I toasted the bread right in the oven for ten minutes. Don’t worry, the bread DoES NOT get burned in the oven for that length of time. I have done it several times now. I had gotten dressed for the day the minute I got up for the morning because I know I am having someone deliver food to my place at 1 p.m., then i am going to go to lunch with a dear friend who is a former teacher from my middle school days unless something changes between and 2 p.m.. Otherwise, I believe it would be another pajama day onoce again if i did not have anything planned, LOL 😀

It is now 11 p.m. and three hours of my day has already begun. Matlock is on TBS right now but since I have already seen it a dozen or more times, I am just listening to it while I am having fun on my computer before my afternoon gets fairly busy. I can not wait to have Schwans come and deliver the food I have ordered at the beginning of this month. I really think, even though it can get expensive, I get the best quality food I can not get in a grocery store. After the delivery man leaves, I will be going out to dinner with a former teacher friend of mine. What a busy time inbetween time…NOT, LOL It is quiet and not at all busy now. I do have to go now, though. Bye for now.

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Another Quiz

Which Sailor Scout Are You?

This quiz was made by mtwib

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A Fairly Quiet Afternoon at Home

It was a little before 1 p.m. when I got a call from my friend Mark regarding this afternoon. When I had called him after I had awakened from my night’s sleep, I was not in the mood to go fishing at all. I had called to take a rain check on the fishing expedition for another beautiful day and he had called me back saying that it was alright to go fishing another day. He did come over for a few minutes to see Emilee Cuddles because Emilee herself wanted to see him, LOL and so didn’t I really. He had come over right after work with his work clothes still on and boy did he ever smell greasy and looked really dirty, LOL Mark being a mechanic at a golf course really gives him an excuse to be dirty five days a week. I did not dare to have him sit down on my furniture during the few minutes he was here giving Emilee all the attention she asked for and wanted, and Emilee definitely loved. Mark did not stay long but I did get dressed before he arrived so I was not in my pajamas when a man came over. After Mark left, Emilee and I were alone again and the afternoon was once again quiet and peaceful in my place. I have had my television on all day long listening to what was on or I was definitely watching but at 3 p.m. I had fallen asleep on my couch/futon for a few minutes while Judge Judy was being watched on NBC. Good thing that Judge Judy was on again at 4 p.m., an hour later, on WVTO! I ended up watching it then feeling tired and ready to once again in my pajamas for the rest of the late afternoon and evening and night. My afternoon was very very good. Definitely quiet. Right now I am listening to the news from 5 to 6 p.m..

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I would like to thank you, publicly, that I appreciate your comment and your kind words. Yes, my friend is definitely a true friend if she did call me back and make sure I was alright. It could have been worse but for some reason it was not the worst. Whew. I did spend the rest of the afternoon alone and the evening but not exactly entirely since my darling little cat Emilee was right there nearby or right by me keeping me from going insane or more crazy, LOL I am glad that my friend and I are still friends because my friend is a nice girl but sometimes I wish that we would stop making plans with each other and later being disappointed because we have to break them. Friends are such wonders in someone’s life that’s for sure. Again thank you for commenting at my first entry here at DD. Take care of yourself and we will definitely be visiting each other again soon. Good bye for now then. 😀

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My Weekend is Over

FINALLY…my weekend is over. I was going to have a friend spend the night Saturday night but she couldn’t and hearing the news that she couldn’t brought out a part of me that hasn’t shown in a long time. I got mad at my friend for canceling our plans to get together for the third or fourth time this summer. I was mad and disappointed at the same time that I spoke to her angerly and when I was finished there was dead silence for more than a minute. That minute was unbearable and very uncomfortable. I did not know what to think so I hung up on my friend and called her back a few minutes later. After we got done talking, I had a couple of hours of tears and anger rising in my body that was making my world crumble right beneath me that I did not know if my friend and I were still friends or if I would ever hear from her again. After 4 p.m., my friend proved me that our friendship was still intact by calling me and asking if I was alright and if I was still mad and I told her that I was alright and that I was no longer mad. Then we talked about what happened…feeling better at my end…and before bed time I was so exhausted and tired I had fallen asleep for a while watching television.

Yesterday evening my friend G and I went with his parents to Rockford to see the Christian group 4 Him and it was very good. After we got home, I had seen some lightning and heard quiet rumbles of thunder in the sky while I listened to music befoore retiring to bed for the night. Last night, retiring to bed a little after 10 p.m. and felt a little restless so I went out into the living room to watch television, dozing off while watching Matlock that started at 11 p.m. LOL. I had awakened a little after midinght to the show Mcgiver and turned the TV off and went back to bed in my room. I had awakened a little after 8 a.m. to stay up for the rest of the day. I am glad that my weekend is over and my week has started out fresh and beautiful. No lazy day for me here today even though I am going to be home all day in my apartment. No plans to go anywhere special today. I am going to stay in my pajamas most of the day anyway.

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10 P.M.

It is now evening and I have watched a movie on lifetime called The Secret Life of Zoey from 8 to 10 p.m.. In between commercials I read a good book called The Great Controversy. NOw, while I spend my last hours of Monday night on line to write in my journal and see about my e-mails, the movie is on again – a enocre presentation of The Secret Life of Zoey I thought the movie was great! I am glad, however, that I was one of those teenagers who did not get into drugs or hang around the wrong crowd. I did, however, make some unwise choices in life and had made friends with the not so good kind of people but I was too shy to do much of parties and outgoing activities. Now my evening is almost over and I will be retiring to bed for the night and believe me I am looking forward to tomorrow big time. I have a lot going on tomorrow and hopefully none of my plans get cancelled or back fire. After Saturday’s upseting afternoon, I can not yet take another kind of disappointment whatsoever.

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