I was planning on coming back on line here to write a lot more than what I did earlier while I was at school waiting for my friend to be done with class. I had a long day today – although good and exciting. I am now very tired and wish to retire for the night. It has been anout twelve hous since I have been up and getting ready for school anyway. “YAWN” I think this is good night for now. Night…

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A Few Minutes

I do not have a whole lot of time right now to write a whole lot because I have to leave for class in seven minutes, but I thought I would take a few minutes now just to ramble. Not a whole lot has happened today that has been out of the ordinary but my sleep was a little disturbed last night because I had too much caffiene in my system from drinking a couple of glasses of Pepsi. I do not know why I drink pop with caffiene in it before 7 p.m. if it gets me wired and restless for sleeping! LOL I had a friend over yesterday evening to share a meal of pizza with me and I drank pop with caffiene in it, and I should have stopped at one glass or had none at all! It is time for me to go for now and get to class. I have to make a stop to get some water on the way before class begins. The other day I was a minute late for class because I took the long route to class and was not thinking of time really. Bye for now and more later.

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A Good Day

My day is just about over. Time has come to go to bed for the night and return back to school in the morning. I am SO glad that tomorrow is Wednesday and the middle of the school week. I did have a good day but I am so glad to see that going back to school for a few hours because going to school is such a welcome mat for me every day, every week, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, etc.. The weather, although I did not experience the beauty except from the sunshine in my apartment, was just beautiful. The Schwan’s truck did come about a half an hour late because we have a new driver – actually a substitute driver because our original driver was suspended because of illness and he is not coming back. I did get my items I did order anyway. After the Schwan’s truck left, I got ready for my friend Catie to come and enjoy dinner together of pizza and just watch television. Catie is a very special person because she is who she is – a mentally handicapped young lady. I never use the word retard because it sounds like such a horrible word really. I think I lost my train of thought for a second, LOL

Good night everybody! Have a good night!

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Just Rambling

What a day! It has been great and fantastic so far. I did some picking up and eat two meals, put up my bed (futon) and got dressed for the day. I am expecting the Schwan’s truck to come and gave me my order of food at 1 p.m., which is about a half an hour. I did not go to school today for that reason and I did think of going for a while this morning but I did not know if I would make it home in time for 1 p.m. to roll around as I do study hard and time just slips on by quickly. LOL I thought that it was well needed/deserved day off of school. I have not missed any of my classes yet this semester and I am very proud of that. As a matter of fact, I am finding myself enjoyung my day off of school very much – maybe way too much, LOL It is such a beautiful day outside today. Because the sun is shining so brightly, I have to keep my blinds closed while I am on my computer because I will otherwise get a bright yellow glare right in my arm and then I will be unable to see what is going on on my computer screen as I type or read what is there. I hate glare in my eyes. It hurts most of the time.

Today, being a day off of school, I just thought that I would ramble today and not have any reason to write anything in particular down. I might find the time later, though, and I know my journal will be here when I get back, if I get back to it today. Anyway I have been reading other journals and having a great time doing that today. When I am at school, I do not have much time to read what entries I do have come into my e-mail. I save them for another day when I can or just wait until another entry is written. With my schedule at school yesterday, there was no time to really get online except for a half an hour before my 9 a.m. class, which I joined lsat Wednesday. I am caught up in that class now, thankfully.

Well, I am all ramblrf out right now. My friend Mark just called me.

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What Happened?

Oh my goodness…this weeekend was somewhat an emotional weekend for me. As a matter of fact, I did a lot of crying because I was feeling a neighbor’s tempermental stages because all I did was ask her if she remembered me asking her about me being noisy the other and then I told her that her expression on her face just scared me to death. When she heard that, she just walked away and said “here we go again” and she then walked out of the building upset at me. That evening, I cried and did not know what to think and I did not know what noise was bothering her. I had told my adoptive Mom Nellie that this neighbor scared me yesterday as the tears spilled forth again because the neighbor had asked my Nana what would Nana say to me if I brought it up again. That made me feel even worse and it also made me think that Nana was being brougoht into something that she had no control over. This neighbor is so tempermental and I guess I will have to avoid her for a while. I did, however, feel that I was walking on egg shells!

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My Weekend is Over

It is finally over, my weekend. I am now ready to begin school again tomorrow morning. I am ready to put my brain to work again for a few days and go from there. My weekend is over and I am soon going to bed.

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Ahhhh, the Weekend!

For the past couple of days I have been so looking forward to the weekend, and it has finally arrived. YEAH! School will resume on Monday but I surely can take the break of school and classes even though I was home a lot on Tuesday and Thursday this week. Yet, the weekend was so much an inviting event of my life this week. I am tired and ready for a nap now but since it is going on 6 p.m., I will wait on going to bed until 8 p.m. or so and the nap will be held off tonight. I was so looking forward to this weekend that I did my Bible study lesson for church about 5 p.m. while listening to the news. Actually I was doing my Bible study lesson by 4 p.m. while I was listening to Murder, She wrote on the televsion. “YAWN! LOL. I can barely keep my eyes open now – isn’t that the strangest thing for a Friday evening when I should be wide eyed and bushy-tailed and ready to go all over the world on the Inernet and chat with my on line friends who are willing to listen and talk with me? SMILE Truly, I HOPE I can sleep well through the night tonight because getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom because you drank a lot of water before retiring. LOL

I am sorry that this entry is so short tonight but I am in need to go real soon, but I will be back sometime over the weekend.

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After Giving it Some Thought

Hi –

I do not mean to sound like i am two sided or sounding like a person who is unfeeling, but after giving it a lot of thought yesterday, I personally think that all the programs on television televising coverage about 9/11/01 could have been calmer or better yet not done at all. I thought of it a great idea for a while but when I got home from school, my thoughts were reversed to the idea that it seemed like the tragedy from a year ago was like a celebration and I do not see what there was to celebrate about such a horrible tragedy as the World Trade Center being hit by two planes killing all of those people and a lot of people in the WTC itself. Was the coverage immature? Those people the attack did affect will never forget what happened anyway so yesterday was just a reminder of what happened last year on 9/11/02. NO one needs a reminder because everyone who remembers remembers what happened a year ago – whether it affected them greatly or not. I remember exactly what I was doing and where I was going and what my plans were that day a year ago as if it was just yesterday that the tragic did happen. Everyone has their own views and opinions about what happened and that is fine but my opinion is that the coverage of last year’s events should have been left alone. I had awakened to names on the television screen showing who died on the planes and in the WTC and THAT OPENED up my heart for those who were survivors but those who died have loved ones left behind. Tears were forming in my eyes seeing the names going on the screen of the television and I also knew that when I got to school life would be both buzzing and maybe not so buzzing because the rememberiing of the date was in everyone’s mind.

There is where you might think that I might be a two faced idiot now. Many people, including myself, wore red, white, and blue in memory of what happened. I wore my colors for the bravery of those who tried to safe the lives of those and did not make it, but I did not wear red, white, and blue because everyone else would. I know that last year’s tragedy will be in the historoy books now and it will be a recorded memory but did coverage all day long have to happen? I do not think it was necessary whatsoever. There are people who this tragedy did affect will never forget what happened and they want to go on with their lives as best as they can. Will they be willing to get on with their lives with the constant knowledge on the news, radio, a day im Rememberance? Some people were probably angry with the rehashing of the 9/11 teror on America. I know that the 9/11 attack rehashed some strong feelings in this girl’s heart that’s for sure! I did not think it was not necessary after 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon.

In order to get away from the coverage of last year’s events, I had to watch everything else but the coverage. I kept watching the Disney and Cartoon Channel, the Game Show Network and Sci-Fi Channel that was not covering the “last year’s events”. The televisions at school were on all day covering the “Attack on America” and people were talking about it. It is okay to talk about it but rehashing the horrible events with coverage all day long was a little overboard.

Now, I think I am done talking about it now. Whew… It is over now…thankfully.

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Remembering 9/11 Pt 3

Well…I woke up this morning to get ready for school this morning by 7 a.m. since I was getting a ride to school this morning. I had turned the television on the History Channel and a program about 9/11 was on. It was at 7:46 a.m. CST there was a moment of silence and then a long list of people who died in the plane crashes and in the Twin Towers. At 8:10 a.m. this morning, they were on the list of the people who were in the building who died and they were just getting into the last name in the alphabet B. The list was going to go on for about a half an hour to forty five minutes! WOW! When I had gotten to school this morning the flags were half mast on the pole and the televisions by the library and on the first floor were on news channels regarding to 9/11. A lot of students were sitting and watching the program(s) or just going by and glancing as they were going by. My heart is feeling kind of achy today but here I am going on with my life at school. As I sit here and wait for lunch to come as far as time goes, I am sitting here thinking of what happened a year ago today and remembering seeing a plane hit the twin towers in NY and I thought, really thought now, that it was just a freak accident…not of a terrorist attack. My stomach is tied up in knots right now! The ache is so bad!

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My Day Today

Well, it looks like it is going to be a rainy night with possible thunderstorms waiting in the balance to strike us hard, but then again the sky is only gray with the threat of t-storms. I am yet not sure, since I haven’t heard the news or the weather report on how the weather is going to be. I won’t until 5 p.m. this evening which is forty-five minutes away from now. I had gotten up at 7 a.m. this morning to get dressed and ready for my day by 8 a.m. I had a gal, not my original cleaning lady, come over this morning at 8 a.m. to help clean my kitchen and living room. It looks real good today! Yeah! I was planning on going to a counseling appointment but at 11 a.m., a half an hour before I was to be picked up to go, I had gotten a phone call that my counselor left home because he was not well or for an emergency, so my appointment was cancelled and remade for next week Thursday at 1 p.m.. So here I am home all day long bored to death, LOL I did my homework (math and study skills) so really I was not bored. I was planning on doing my homework while waiting for my appointment to begin, but I ended up doing them at home instead. Now…since I have been on the computer in the morning before 11 a.m. and doing my math homework, the weather has gotten a little gray and I did notice that it did rain because the cement and ground looks wet from rain. Despite the looks of the weather and the television being on all night long last night and all day today, I got my homework done for tomorrow…so I am NOT behind and I am staying on top of things in my classes. BTW (By the way), as far as math goes, I was talking about my Algebra class. As for my math class, I am in Unit three…FRACTIONS! I have to laugh about that. I never really cared for fractions even though I have been using them all of my life, LOL

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